Journal Information
Digital Government: Research and Practice (DGOV)
Call For Papers
Digital Government: Research and Practice (DGOV) is an interdisciplinary Gold Open Access journal that focuses on the potential and impact of technology on governance innovations and its transformation of public institutions. It promotes applied and empirical research from academics, practitioners, designers, and technologists, using political, policy, social, computer, and data sciences methodologies. The journal publishes on a quarterly basis.

DGOV aims to appeal to a wider audience of research and practice communities with novel insights, disruptive design ideas, technical solutions, scientific and empirical knowledge, and a deep understanding of digital impact in the public sector. The major areas include the new forms of governance and citizen roles in the inter-connected digital environment, as well as the governance of new technologies, including governance of automation, sensor devices, robot behavior, artificial intelligence, and big data. Whether it is governing technology or technology for governing, the goal is to offer cutting-edge research and concepts designed to navigate and balance the competing demands of transparency and cybersecurity, innovation and accountability, and collaboration and privacy.  It covers computational, technical, social scientific, behavioral, analytical, theoretical, and integrative approaches.

Research-focused articles will require scientific rigor, and the practice papers will emphasize the real-world problems faced and the process by which they were solved through a variety of methods. DGOV encourages authors to share their experimental data, observational data, or prototype systems to enhance the transparency of their studies.

Topics of interest include the following but not limited to: 

Innovations in Government

    Big data analytics for e-Governance
    Blockchain in Government
    Citizen participation
    Collective intelligence, decision making and Innovations
    Connected Society and Governance
    Crowd Law
    Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation
    Expert systems and expert networking
    Intelligent Systems, AI, Machine Learning and Robotics in government
    IT Standards and guidelines
    Open data—infrastructures, strategies, and governance
    Open government
    Nudges and RCTs
    Policy analytics and innovations
    Sensors, IoT, Cloud in government
    Social media in government  

Democracy and Participation

Technology and legitimacy
Alternative models to representative and direct democracy
Digital citizenship, Digital Identify
Digital divide, digital literacy
Participatory government
Public and group behavior monitoring, modeling and analytics
Security, privacy, and trust
Surveillance in government
Strategies and organizational issues

    Cloud, mobile and social computing strategies
    Compliance, accountability in government
    Evidence-based policymaking, E-Governance
    Digital workforce and capacity building
    Information and service sharing among government agencies
    Knowledge capturing, reuse and management
    Private, public partnership
    Public service provisions and value creation
    Systems design, acquisition and IT adoption strategies
    Transformations and innovations in public sector
    Ethical governance
Applications and Services

    Cyber policy standards and guidelines
    Disaster and Emergency management
    Environmental monitoring and planning
    E-Election, E-Voting
    Emergency Response and Management
    Food Security
    Government IT contracting and acquisition
    Homeland security
    Public safety
    Smart agriculture
    Smart cities and smart infrastructure
    Smart health, e-health, health policy making
    Smart Transportation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-08
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