Conference Information
WCOP 2015: International Doctoral Symposium on Components and Architecture
Submission Date:
2015-01-25 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Montreal, Canada
CORE: c   Viewed: 12440   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
In the frame of the CompArch 2015 conference, WCOP (formerly the Workshop on Component Oriented Programming) is organized as a Doctoral Symposium for young researchers in the area of component based software engineering, software architecture and software quality.

The doctoral symposium is aimed to give feedback from established researchers to promising new ideas in the field of component based software engineering, software architecture and software quality to young researchers in all phases of their Phd career. Therefore we intentionally encourage PhD students, young Post-Doc researchers, and junior academics to submit their proposal statements with potentially unfinished and not yet validated ideas.

Areas of interest are component based software engineering, software architecture and software quality in general. More specifically, this includes:

    software-services (as deployed components),
    specification and analysis of quality of service properties,
    predictable assembly of components / compositional reasoning,
    component-oriented development processes,
    traceability between architecture, components and code,
    components as a means to implement architecture,
    mobile and ubiquitous components for pervasive computer applications,
    security and privacy of component based architecture,
    performance/efficiency and reliability of component-based systems,
    specification and analysis of component-based architecture,
    deployment attribution / constraints,
    COP and Model-driven Development (MDA),
    addressing variability requirements in component-based solutions,
    system design for independent extensibility,
    maintainability and evolution of component based systems,
    component versus application evolution,
    management of component based systems,
    domain-specific (vertical) standards,
    organizational and business aspects of components and software architecture.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-01-16
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