Journal Information
Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTRAP)
Call For Papers

Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTRAP) is a peer-reviewed Gold Open Access journal that targets the prevention, identification, mitigation, and elimination of digital threats. It is published on a quarterly basis. DTRAP aims to bridge the gap between academic research and industry practice. Accordingly, the journal welcomes manuscripts that address extant digital threats, rather than laboratory models of potential threats, and presents reproducible results pertaining to real-world threats.

DTRAP invites researchers and practitioners to submit manuscripts that present scientific observations about the identification, prevention, mitigation, and elimination of digital threats in all areas, including computer hardware, software, networks, robots, industrial automation, firmware, digital devices, etc. For articles involving analysis, the journal requires the use of relevant data and the demonstration of the importance of the results. For articles involving the results of structured observation such as experimentation and case studies, the journal requires explicit inclusion of rigorous practices; for example, experiments should clearly describe why internal validity, external validity, containment, and transparency hold for the experiment described.

Topics relevant to the journal include (but are not limited to):

    Network security
    Web-based threats
    Point-of-sale threats
    Closed-network threats
    Malicious software analysis
    Exploit analysis
    Vulnerability analysis
    Adversary tactics
    Threat landscape studies
    Criminal ecosystem studies
    Systems analysis
    Critical Infrastructure Threats
    Victim response patterns
    Adversary attack patterns
    Studies of security operations processes/practices/TTPs
    Assessment and measurement of security architectures/organization security posture
    Threat information management and sharing
    Security services or threat intelligence ecosystem studies
    Impact of new technologies/protocols on the threat landscape
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-09
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