Journal Information
Simulation & Gaming (S&G)
Call For Papers
For more than five decades, Simulation & Gaming has served as a leading international forum for the study and discussion of simulation/gaming methodologies used in education, training, healthcare, consultation, and research. This outstanding quarterly journal not only examines the methodologies, but also explores their application to real-world problems and situations. Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research contains articles examining academic and applied issues in the expanding fields of simulation, computerized simulation, gaming, modeling, play, role-play, debriefing, game design, experiential learning, and related methodologies. The broad scope and interdisciplinary nature of Simulation & Gaming are demonstrated by the wide variety of interests and disciplines of its readers, contributors, and editorial board members. Areas include: healthcare, sociology, decision making, psychology, language training, cognition, learning theory, management, educational technologies, negotiation, peace and conflict studies, economics, international studies, communication, policy and planning, organization studies, political science, education, environmental issues, multiculturalism, research methodology.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-18
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