Conference Information
ANSS 2016: Annual Simulation Symposium
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Pasadena, California, USA
CORE: c   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 12987   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The Annual Simulation Symposiumis the oldest continuously operating simulation symposium within the Society for Modeling and Simulation (SCS). 2016 marks the 48th ANSS anniversary. Since the first ANSS was conducted in 1968, this event has been a forum to exchange ideas, research results, and methods, techniques, and applications among simulation practitioners from industry, government, and academia.

ANSS’16 will continue the tradition of presenting state-of-the-art papers, panels, and tutorials high- lightening topics of interest for simulation practitioners and users. The topic list is therefore neither complete nor exclusive, but provides authors a guideline on topics of particular interest identified so far. The program committee welcomes additional ideas and invites everybody to engage our audience
with new topics of general interest. We also welcome recommendations on panel topics as well as high-level invited speakers that can address these issues in an engaging style. We want to continue to be the hub for new ideas and applications thereof.


Traditionally, the guiding topics of ANSS come from the domains of System Simulation, Military Simulation, and Emerging Applications. Those guiding topics are:

 Big Data and Simulation
 Social Network Modeling
 Population Modeling
 Simulation for Autonomous Systems and Robotics
 Critical Infrastructure Simulation Application
 Healthcare and Medical Simulation
 Simulation in Engineering, Education, Science, and Philosophy
 Simulation for Military Training, Acquisition and Experimentation
 Simulation for Non-military/Reconstruction/Humanitarian Applications
 Conceptual Modeling and Simulation Design
 Model Composition and Simulation Interoperation
 Simulation for Decision Support
 M&S Standardization
 Business and Industry Simulation Applications

Submission Guidelines

Contributed papers are maximum 8 pages long with double column format. They will be peer reviewed and – if accepted and presented at the conference - submitted to the ACM Digital Library. Papers must not have appeared before (or be pending) in a journal or conference with published proceedings, nor may they be under review or submitted to another forum during SpringSim’16 review process. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the symposium and must present the paper at the symposium. It exists also a possibility to submit to Work in Progress or Posters tracks; more details will be announced on the website. All submissions will be peer reviewed and feedback will be provided.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-08-08
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