Journal Information
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering (MSE)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

Modelling and Simulation in Engineering aims at providing a forum for the discussion of formalisms, methodologies and simulation tools that are intended to support the new, broader interpretation of Engineering. Competitive pressures of Global Economy have had a profound effect on the manufacturing in Europe, Japan and the USA with much of the production being outsourced. In this context the traditional interpretation of engineering profession linked to the actual manufacturing needs to be broadened to include the integration of outsourced components and the consideration of logistic, economical and human factors in the design of engineering products and services.

Modelling and Simulation in Engineering intends to report leading-edge scientific contributions from mathematics, computer science, various sub-disciplines of engineering, management, psychology and cross-cultural communication, all of which focus on the modelling and simulation of human-centered engineering systems.

Subject areas of Modelling and Simulation in Engineering include (but are not limited to):

    Mathematical formalisms of system modelling
    Simulation methodologies and tools
        Continuous simulation
        Discrete and combined simulation
        Stochastic simulations
        Game and fuzzy game theory
        Finite automata
        Simulation modelling
        Optimisation, verification and testing
        Agent-based simulation
    Knowledge and culture mining/processing
        Computation with information described in NL
        Ontologies and knowledge modelling
        Model morphisms
        NL discourse analysis
    Complex systems modelling
        Qualitative modelling
        Multi-resolution modelling and simulation
        Modelling abstractions
        Numerical methods, algorithms and simulations
    Computational Intelligence
        Neural networks
        Fuzzy logic
        Evolutionary techniques
        Soft computing for human interaction
        Ambient intelligence and ubiquitous computing
        Symbolic processing
    Simulation Visualisation
        Visualisation algorithms
        Virtual and augmented reality
        Virtual prototyping
        Tools and systems for visualisation
    Frontiers in HCMS
        Computational and physical limitations
        Interoperability of systems and applications
        Case studies and best practices
        Socio-technical simulation (logistics, transportation, etc.)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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