Journal Information
Computers & Education
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Computers & Education aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which digital technology can enhance education, through the publication of high-quality research, which extends theory and practice. The Editors welcome research papers on the pedagogical uses of digital technology, where the focus is broad enough to be of interest to a wider education community.

We do not publish small-scale evaluations of specific software/systems in specialist domains or particular courses in individual institutions (unless the findings have broader relevance that is explicitly drawn out in the paper). Papers that include discussions of the implementation of software and/or hardware should focus on the context of use, the user/system interface, usability issues and evaluations of the user experience and impacts on and particularly on the implications for learning and teaching. Computers as a delivery platform only is insufficient. Detailed information on implementation architecture should NOT be included in the paper, but may be provided via URLs.

We welcome systematic review papers and meta-analyses that include clear research questions, a framework of analysis, and conclusions that reflect the aims of the paper. See PRISMA guidelines for further advice.

Authors should take care to refer to and abide by the author guidelines. Papers that do not address the criteria outlined in the author guidelines will be returned without review.

Authors are also welcome to submit to the journal's open access companion titles, Computers & Education Open or Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-11
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