Conference Information
ICER 2022: International Conference on Computing Education Research
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Lugano, Switzerland
CORE: b   QUALIS: b4   Viewed: 16665   Tracked: 3   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

The 18th annual ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER) aims to gather high-quality contributions to the Computing Education Research discipline. The “Research Papers” track invites submissions describing original research results related to any aspect of teaching and learning computing, from introductory through advanced material. Submissions are welcome from across the research methods used in Computing Education Research and related fields. Each contribution will be assessed based on the appropriateness and soundness of its methods, its relevance to computing education, and the depth of its contribution to the community’s understanding of the question at hand.

Research areas of particular interest include:

    design-based research, learner-centered design, and evaluation of educational technology supporting computing knowledge or skills development,
    discipline based education research (DBER) about computing, computer science, and related disciplines,
    informal learning experiences related to programming and software development (all ages), ranging from after-school programs for children, to end-user development communities, to workplace training of computing professionals,
    learnability of programming languages and tools,
    learning analytics and educational data mining in computing education contexts,
    learning sciences work in the computing content domain,
    measurement instrument development and validation (e.g., concept inventories, attitudes scales, etc) for use in computing disciplines,
    pedagogical environments fostering computational thinking,
    psychology of programming,
    rigorous replication of empirical work to compare with or extend previous empirical research results,
    teacher professional development at all levels.

While this above list is non-exclusive, authors are also invited to consider the call for papers for the “Lightning Talks & Posters” and “Work-in-Progress” tracks if in doubt about the suitability of their work for this track.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-01-28
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