Journal Information
Computers in Industry
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
An International, Application Oriented Research Journal

The aim of Computers in Industry is to publish original, high-quality, application-oriented research papers that:

• Show new trends in and options for the use of Information and Communication Technology in industry;
• Link or integrate different technology fields in the broad area of computer applications for industry;
• Link or integrate different application areas of ICT in industry.

General topics covered include the following areas:

• The unique application of ICT in business processes such as design, engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, production management and supply chain management. This is the main thrust of the journal. It includes research in integration of business process support, such as in enterprise modelling, ERP, EDM.
• The industrial use of ICT in knowledge intensive fields such as quality control, logistics, engineering data management, and product documentation will certainly be considered.
• Demonstration of enabling capabilities of new or existing technologies such as hard real time systems, knowledge engineering, applied fuzzy logic, collaborative work systems, and intelligence agents are also welcomed.
• Papers solely focusing on ICT or manufacturing processes may be considered out of scope.

A continuous quality policy, based on strict peer reviewing shall ensure that published articles are:

- Technologically outstanding and front-end
- Application-oriented with a generalised message
- Representative for research at an international level
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-12
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