Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers

The IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems covers fundamental and applied research on all scientific and technical aspects of modern transportation systems, including but not limited to sensing, communications, controls, planning, design, and implementation of intelligent transportation systems. It covers theory, methodologies, modeling and simulation, experimentation, and evaluations of transportation systems that include multi-modal transportation, surface transportation traffic, coordinated multiple vehicles, infrastructure, and other road users (pedestrians, bicyclists, etc.) and their interactions. The Transactions also serve as a forum for the design, analysis, and control of information technology as it is applied to transportation systems. Read more on IEEE Xplore.

Interested in submitting? See below for submission information. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Communications (intervehicle and vehicle-to-road- side)
    Computers (hardware, software)
    Control (adaptive, fuzzy, cooperative, neuro)
    Decision Systems (expert systems, intelligent agents)
    Systems (engineering, architecture, evaluation)
    Information Systems (databases, data fusion, security)
    Man-Machine Interfaces (displays, artificial speech)
    Imaging & Real-Time Image Analysis
    Sensors (infrastructure and vehicle-based)
    Simulation (continuous, discrete, real-time)
    Signal Processing
    Reliability & Quality Assurance
    Technology Forecasting & Transfer
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-30
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