Conference Information
ICIS 2017: International Conference on Information Systems
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Seoul, South Korea
CORE: a*   Viewed: 11357   Tracked: 5   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
We invite submissions in all areas of IS research, and particularly encourage those related to the conference theme “Transformation Society with Digital innovation.” The purpose of this conference is to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to identify and explore the issues, opportunities, and solutions that promote IT convergence and find new business and societal value from IT.

Research tracks include:

Conference Theme Track: Transforming Society with Digital Innovation
Economics and Value of IS
E-Business and E-Government
IS Curriculum and Education
Peer-to-Peer and Crowd Markets
Global IS Issues
Digital Platforms, On-line Communities, and Open Governance
Security, Privacy and Ethics of IS
IT and Healthcare
Research Methods, Theorizing, and Philosophy
IS Development and Project Management
Human Behavior and IS
Strategy, Structure, and Organizational Impacts of IT
Data Science, Decision analytics and visualization
Service Science and IS
HCI, Design Issues and Design Science Research
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
IT and Social Change
Practice Oriented Research
General Topics
Completed research papers are full-length papers documenting the results of finished research projects. Accepted completed research papers will be presented at ICIS 2017, and published in the conference proceedings.

Short paper submissions are also encouraged. Short papers build on promising but incomplete research projects that will benefit from the feedback of other ICIS participants. Accepted short papers will be presented in a slam session, followed by a poster session at ICIS 2017. They are published in the conference proceedings.

Paper-a-thon is a new submission category where you bring your data, theory, knowledge of a phenomenon, methodological or good writing skills to write a paper during the conference. At ICIS 2017, you will join others with complementary resources to brainstorm, write up, and pitch new paper ideas. Supported by mentors, you will have 24 hours to write an extended outline of your paper. If editors would select your paper as one of the top three finalists, you will further develop it during the conference to present on the last day of ICIS 2017. The paper will be considered for fast-track review for the Journal of AIS.

Panel proposals should be submitted to the Panels track.

Teaching cases should be submitted to the IS Curriculum and Education track.

Submissions to ICIS 2017 must be original; submissions cannot have been published or accepted in a journal or conference proceedings, nor presented at another conference. Further, submissions must not be concurrently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-09-17
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