Conference Information
WACV 2025: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Date: |
2024-09-09 |
Notification Date: |
2024-10-28 |
Conference Date: |
2025-02-28 |
Location: |
Tucson, Arizon, USA |
CORE: a QUALIS: b1 Viewed: 22978 Tracked: 27 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) provides a forum for computer vision researchers working on practical applications and innovative algorithms to share their latest developments. WACV 2025 solicits high-quality, original submissions describing research in computer vision, with a particular emphasis on systems and applications with significant, interesting vision components. Application areas include, but are not limited to: Agriculture Animals and Insects Arts, games, and social media Autonomous driving Biomedical, healthcare, and medicine Commercial and retail Education Embedded sensing and real-time techniques Environmental monitoring, climate change, and ecology Food science and nutrition Psychology and cognitive science Remote sensing Robotics Smartphones and end-user devices Social good Structural engineering and civil engineering Virtual and augmented reality Visualization Authors are also encouraged to submit more traditional computer vision algorithms papers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 3D computer vision Adversarial learning, adversarial attack, and defense methods Biometrics, face, gesture, and body pose Computational photography Generative models for image, video, 3D, etc. Datasets and evaluations Explainable, fair, accountable, privacy-preserving, and ethical computer vision Image recognition and understanding (object detection, categorization, segmentation, scene modeling, visual reasoning) Low-level and physics-based vision Machine learning architectures, formulations, and algorithms (including transfer, low-shot, semi-, self-, and unsupervised learning) Video recognition and understanding (tracking, action recognition, etc.) Vision + language and/or other modalities All submissions will be handled electronically through CMT: Papers can be submitted to either the applications or the algorithms tracks, which will have different review criteria. Applications papers will be evaluated on systems-level innovation, novelty of the domain and comparative assessment. Algorithms papers will be evaluated according to the standard conference criteria including algorithmic novelty and quantified evaluation against current, alternative approaches. Authors should follow the Author Guidelines and use the WACV 2025 Author Kit (Overleaf template, ZIP archive), when preparing their papers for review.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-18
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c | Ad Hoc Networks | 4.400 | Elsevier | 1570-8705 |
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Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Problems of Information Transmission | 0.500 | Springer |
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing | 1.700 | Springer |
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation | 0.700 | ACM |
Data & Knowledge Engineering | 2.700 | Elsevier |
Journal of Heuristics | 1.100 | Springer |
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IAENG International Journal of Computer Science | International Association of Engineers | |
Information Retrieval | 1.700 | Springer |
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | Inderscience |