Basic Information
Name: Xiaolin Zhu
Institution: Xiangtan University
Registration: 2021-07-08
Score: 527
Tracked Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Submission | Notification | Conference |
c | b | a2 | ICMI | International Conference on Multimodal Interaction | 2025-04-18 | 2025-07-01 | 2025-10-13 |
a | a* | MM | ACM Multimedia | 2025-04-04 | 2025-07-04 | 2025-10-27 | |
a | a* | a1 | ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning | 2025-01-23 | 2025-07-13 | |
c | b | a1 | ICIP | International Conference on Image Processing | 2025-01-22 | 2025-05-20 | 2025-09-14 |
a | a* | a1 | IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 2025-01-16 | 2025-04-28 | 2025-08-16 |
c | a | a2 | IJCNN | International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | 2025-01-15 | 2025-03-31 | 2025-06-30 |
b | b | a1 | ICME | International Conference on Multimedia and Expo | 2024-12-13 | 2025-03-14 | 2025-06-30 |
a | a* | a1 | CVPR | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 2024-11-14 | 2025-02-26 | 2025-06-10 |
b | b | a1 | ICASSP | International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing | 2024-09-09 | 2024-12-18 | 2025-04-06 |
a | b1 | WACV | IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision | 2024-09-09 | 2024-10-28 | 2025-02-28 |
Short | Full Name | Submission | Conference |
ICMI | International Conference on Multimodal Interaction | 2025-04-18 | 2025-10-13 |
MM | ACM Multimedia | 2025-04-04 | 2025-10-27 |
ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning | 2025-01-23 | 2025-07-13 |
ICIP | International Conference on Image Processing | 2025-01-22 | 2025-09-14 |
IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 2025-01-16 | 2025-08-16 |
IJCNN | International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | 2025-01-15 | 2025-06-30 |
ICME | International Conference on Multimedia and Expo | 2024-12-13 | 2025-06-30 |
CVPR | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 2024-11-14 | 2025-06-10 |
ICASSP | International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing | 2024-09-09 | 2025-04-06 |
WACV | IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision | 2024-09-09 | 2025-02-28 |
Attend Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Conference | Location |
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Full Name | Conference | Location |
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Tracked Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
b | Information Sciences | 8.100 | Elsevier | 0020-0255 |
a | International Journal of Computer Vision | 11.60 | Springer | 0920-5691 |
c | Signal Processing | 3.400 | Elsevier | 0165-1684 |
c | Pattern Recognition Letters | 3.900 | Elsevier | 0167-8655 |
c | IET Image Processing | 2.000 | IET | 1751-9659 |
b | Pattern Recognition | 7.500 | Elsevier | 0031-3203 |
b | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 10.40 | IEEE | 1045-9227 |
b | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | 8.400 | IEEE | 1520-9210 |
b | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | 8.300 | IEEE | 1051-8215 |
a | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 10.80 | IEEE | 1057-7149 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Information Sciences | 8.100 | Elsevier |
International Journal of Computer Vision | 11.60 | Springer |
Signal Processing | 3.400 | Elsevier |
Pattern Recognition Letters | 3.900 | Elsevier |
IET Image Processing | 2.000 | IET |
Pattern Recognition | 7.500 | Elsevier |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | 10.40 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | 8.400 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | 8.300 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 10.80 | IEEE |
Followed Researchers
Name | Institution | Registration | Score |
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Name | Institution | Score |
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Tracked Jobs
Job Title | Employer | Job Location |
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Job Title | Employer | Job Location |
No results found. |
Viewed Conferences
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Submission | Notification | Conference |
No results found. |
Short | Full Name | Submission | Conference |
No results found. |
Viewed Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
No results found. |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
No results found. |