CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
第 1141-1170 条, 共 1179 条.
DLTDistributed Ledger Technologies: Research and PracticeACM2769-64801110
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine1.900IEEE2380-12981108
PACMCGITProceedings of the ACM in Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques1.400ACM2577-61931104
JSSCIEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits4.600IEEE0018-92001101
SSC-LIEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters2.200IEEE2573-96031068
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation2.000Elsevier2666-28251066
IEEE Design & Test1.900IEEE2168-23561061
SSC-MIEEE Solid-State Circuits MagazineIEEE1943-05821061
Materials Today Communications3.700Elsevier2352-49281059
IEEE Electrification Magazine3.400IEEE2325-58971055
PACMMODProceedings of the ACM on Management of DataACM2836-65731044
J-MASSIEEE Journal of Miniaturized Air and Space SystemsIEEE2576-31641033
DGOVDigital Government: Research and PracticeACM2639-01751019
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine3.100IEEE1540-79771006
IEEE Open Journal of Control SystemsIEEE2694-085X1002
TQCACM Transactions on Quantum Computing3.700ACM2643-6817987
GAMESGames: Research and PracticeACM2832-5516982
IEMIEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine5.600IEEE1932-4529961
GRSMIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine16.20IEEE2473-2397959
DTRAPDigital Threats: Research and PracticeACM2576-5337947
PACMNETProceedings of the ACM on NetworkingACM2834-5509889
TSCACM Transactions on Social ComputingACM2469-7826869
TIOTACM Transactions on Internet of Things3.500ACM2577-6207852
Applied Surface Science6.300Elsevier0169-4332851
TELOACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and OptimizationACM2688-3007825
PACMSEProceedings of the ACM on Software EngineeringACM2994-970X812
THRIACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction4.200ACM2573-9522800
POMACSProceedings of the ACM on the Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems2.100ACM2476-1249740
TOPMLACM Transactions on Probabilistic Machine LearningACM0000-0000706
Polymer Degradation and Stability6.300Elsevier0141-3910694
第 1141-1170 条, 共 1179 条.
Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice1110
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine1.9001108
Proceedings of the ACM in Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques1.4001104
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits4.6001101
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters2.2001068
Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation2.0001066
IEEE Design & Test1.9001061
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine1061
Materials Today Communications3.7001059
IEEE Electrification Magazine3.4001055
Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data1044
IEEE Journal of Miniaturized Air and Space Systems1033
Digital Government: Research and Practice1019
IEEE Power & Energy Magazine3.1001006
IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems1002
ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing3.700987
Games: Research and Practice982
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine5.600961
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine16.20959
Digital Threats: Research and Practice947
Proceedings of the ACM on Networking889
ACM Transactions on Social Computing869
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things3.500852
Applied Surface Science6.300851
ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization825
Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering812
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction4.200800
Proceedings of the ACM on the Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems2.100740
ACM Transactions on Probabilistic Machine Learning706
Polymer Degradation and Stability6.300694