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CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
Displaying 241-270 of 1179 results.
CCFShortFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSNViewed
bIJARInternational Journal of Approximate Reasoning3.200Elsevier0888-613X17567
 Materials Letters2.700Elsevier0167-577X17552
 Journal of Big Data8.600Springer2196-111517546
 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics2.100Elsevier0377-042717527
VLSICSInternational journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems AIRCC0976-152717520
aIANDCInformation and Computation0.800Elsevier0890-540117494
IJAIAInternational Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications AIRCC0976-219117489
b Neural Computation2.900MIT Press0899-766717477
 IEEE Pervasive Computing1.600IEEE1536-126817473
CCRComputer Communication Review ACM0146-483317470
 Applied Mathematics and Computation3.500Elsevier0096-300317455
IJISTInternational Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques AIRCC2319-409X17447
cIJCISInternational Journal of Cooperative Information Systems0.500World Scientific0218-843017382
aTOSACM Transactions on Storage2.100ACM1553-307717377
JEJournal of Engineering1.700Hindawi2314-490417344
IJCISInternational Journal on Cryptography and Information Security AIRCC1839-862617304
 IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation1.400IET1751-878417296
bSCPScience of Computer Programming1.500Elsevier0167-642317291
 Journal of Cloud Computing Springer2192-113X17272
b Designs, Codes and Cryptography1.400Springer0925-102217254
cIJUFKSInternational Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems World Scientific0218-488517250
a Journal of Cryptology2.300Springer0933-279017203
cTCSSIEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems4.500IEEE2373-747617194
 Computers in Industry8.200Elsevier0166-361517182
aSICOMPSIAM Journal on Computing SIAM0097-539717167
TOMMACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications5.200ACM1551-685717159
JAMJournal of Applied Mathematics1.200Hindawi1110-757X17079
SENACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes ACM0163-5948 17072
 Cognitive Systems Research2.100Elsevier1389-041717062
Displaying 241-270 of 1179 results.
Full NameImpact FactorViewed
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning3.20017567
Materials Letters2.70017552
Journal of Big Data8.60017546
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics2.10017527
International journal of VLSI Design & Communication Systems 17520
Information and Computation0.80017494
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications 17489
Neural Computation2.90017477
IEEE Pervasive Computing1.60017473
Computer Communication Review 17470
Applied Mathematics and Computation3.50017455
International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques 17447
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems0.50017382
ACM Transactions on Storage2.10017377
Journal of Engineering1.70017344
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security 17304
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation1.40017296
Science of Computer Programming1.50017291
Journal of Cloud Computing 17272
Designs, Codes and Cryptography1.40017254
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 17250
Journal of Cryptology2.30017203
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems4.50017194
Computers in Industry8.20017182
SIAM Journal on Computing 17167
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications5.20017159
Journal of Applied Mathematics1.20017079
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 17072
Cognitive Systems Research2.10017062