Journal Information
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) is the premier journal for publishing advancements in storage research and practice. The field of storage is one of the cornerstones for data availability. Storage is a broad and multidisciplinary area that comprises network protocols, resource management, data backup, replication, recovery, devices, security, theory of data coding, densities, and energy-efficiency. Designing and developing storage systems continues to be a challenge due to both software and hardware heterogeneity in enterprise environments and data centers. ACM TOS seeks to fill an important void as a peer-reviewed comprehensive journal focused on storage.

The scope of ACM TOS includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

    Storage Systems Architecture, Design, and Validation: parallel, distributed, peer-to-peer, and GRID storage systems, Storage Area Networks (SAN), Network-Attached Storage (NAS), performance evaluation and monitoring, predictive and adaptive techniques, support for multimedia computing applications, mass storage systems, formal and empirical validation methods.

    Storage Networking: Protocols for networked storage systems, storage switch and fabric design.

    Storage Resource Management: virtualization, management, discovery, provisioning of storage resources, security, reliability, scalability, policy-based management, object-based storage devices, and interoperability support for heterogeneity in systems, devices, and software.

    Replication, Backup, and Recovery: continuous backup methods, real-time and policy-based recovery, volume, file, and application-level recovery, disaster tolerance.

    Operating System and Application Support: Caching, file systems, interoperability, and design of application programming interfaces.

    Information Lifecycle Management (ILM): management of data based on configurable policies and regulatory compliance, processes, and workflow for data storage, security, and storage middleware including data management systems

    Storage Media and Devices: optical, magnetic, acoustic, MEMS-based storage devices, MRAM, Bio/Nano-storage devices, device abstractions, and I/O protocols.

    Theory: Algorithms for coding, and signal-processing techniques for high data rates, densities, and low power.

    Emerging Memory Storage Technologies: Design and implementation of persistent memory based file systems, the use of persistent memory as persistent store as well as traditional memory, other applications of persistent memory into computer systems.

Contributions may extend original work published in conferences and workshops, or may be based on entirely new unpublished work. Tutorial and survey articles that provide and detailed treatment of emerging and established topics are welcome. This journal is published on a quarterly basis.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-10
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