Journal Information
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Impact Factor:
Taylor & Francis
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

*Please note that Brain-Computer Interfaces converted to a full Open Access journal from Volume 12 (2025) and changed title to Research in Biomedical Engineering and Technology. Previous volumes will continue to provide access through a Pay to Read model.

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) publishes high quality, original research articles encompassing analysis of theoretical and practical advances in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. Articles should expand upon novel and innovative research where the methods, analysis and conclusions are robust and of the highest standard.

Starting from Volume 12 in 2025, the journal will undergo a title change to Research in Biomedical Engineering and Technology . We invite submissions to this revised title, which will encompass the following six sections:

    Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Engineering – In this section we consider for publication the latest advances in: neurotechnology; implants and regenerative medicine; clinical engineering; rehabilitation engineering
    Biomechanics – In this section we consider for publication the latest advances in: musculoskeletal biomechanics; cardiovascular biomechanics; respiratory biomechanics; hard and soft tissue mechanics; biofluid mechanics; cell mechanics; rehabilitation biomechanics; sport biomechanics; injury and illness biomechanics; biomechanics in human-machine interaction 
    Biomaterials – In this section we consider for publication the latest advances in: the design of biomaterials and the clinical disciplines they are used in; molecular and cellular engineering; polymer synthesis; drug and gene vector design; immunology and toxicology; regenerative medicine
    Bioinformatics – In this section we consider for publication the latest advances in: biomechatronics; biomedical electronics; biomimetics; biomedical diagnostics; biomedical therapy; biomedical devices; sensors and circuits; medical information systems
    Tissue Engineering – In this section we consider for publication the latest advances in: cardiovascular engineering; chromosome engineering; embryo engineering; cellular, molecular and synthetic biology; metabolic engineering; bio-nanotechnology; micro/nano technologies; genetic engineering; transgenic technology
    Medical Imaging – In this section we consider for publication the latest advances in: medical and biomedical image analysis and understanding through the development and implementation of various models and approaches including deep learning/machine learning, computer aided diagnosis and detection, image segmentation, visualisation, computer aided surgery

The Journal accepts original research, reviews, short communications, data notes, methods, and commentaries. Proposals of themed collections are encouraged. Letters to the Editor are also accepted and should discuss an analysis of an article previously published in the journal.

The Journal is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes high quality, original research contributions to scientific knowledge.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief and Section Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double anonymous review by two or more independent, anonymous expert referees.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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