Journal Information
Journal of Global Optimization (JGO)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

The Journal of Global Optimization publishes carefully refereed papers that encompass theoretical, computational, and applied aspects of global optimization. While the focus is on original research contributions dealing with the search for global optima of non-convex, multi-extremal problems, the journal’s scope covers optimization in the widest sense, including nonlinear, mixed integer, combinatorial, stochastic, robust, multi-objective optimization, computational geometry, and equilibrium problems. Relevant works on data-driven methods and optimization-based data mining are of special interest.

In addition to papers covering theory and algorithms of global optimization, the journal publishes significant papers on numerical experiments, new testbeds, and applications in engineering, management, and the sciences. Applications of particular interest include healthcare, computational biochemistry, energy systems, telecommunications, and finance. Apart from full-length articles, the journal features short communications on both open and solved global optimizati
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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