Journal Information
Journal of Classification
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

To publish original and valuable papers in the field of classification, broadly defined. Articles advance understanding in many areas of classification including work in supervised classification, unsupervised classification (clustering), semi-supervised classification, statistical computing, statistical learning, numerical taxonomy, multivariate statistics, and machine learning. Articles will support advances in methodology while demonstrating compelling substantive applications. Comprehensive review articles are also acceptable; however, these are usually invited. Contributions will represent disciplines such as statistics, psychology, computer science, biology, information retrieval, anthropology, archeology, astronomy, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, geography, geology, linguistics, marketing, mathematics, medicine, political science, psychiatry, sociology, and soil science.

Published three times a year, Journal of Classification typically has three sections in each issue: articles, short notes and comments, and software abstracts.

Officially cited as: J Classif
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-21
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