Journal Information
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM)
Impact Factor:
IGI Global
Call For Papers

The Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to share leading-edge knowledge in the global information resource management area. Playing a pivotal role in the discussion of the organizational applications and managerial implications of information resource management technologies, JGIM’s contributors include a growing list of 2,400+ industry-leading experts, making the scope and breadth of the research diverse as it provides solutions to concepts like reengineering, rightsizing, network organizations, and the virtual corporation.

As stated by John Naisbitt, in his book Global Paradox, "the bigger the world economy, the more powerful its smaller players." While the world is becoming more interconnected, international strategic alliances are increasing due to the reality that no single company and/or country can be a successful player in this new global game. As such, big international companies are deconstructing themselves and creating new structures to survive in the new world order. JGIM is highly indexed, with prestigious placements such as Web of Science® - Social Sciences Citation Index®, Scopus®, Compendex®, INSPEC®, and more, placing it well within that global communicative space.

Mission & Scope:

The Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) publishes original material concerned with all aspects of global information resources management. JGIM is the primary forum for researchers and practitioners to disseminate the evolving knowledge in the theory and practice related to information technology and management of information resources at the international level. The journal emphasizes the managerial and organizational facets of information technology resources management. Articles published in JGIM deal with a vast number of issues concerning usage, failure, success, policies, strategies, and applications of information technology in organizations in and across developed, emerging, and developing nations.


    Cross-border E-Commerce
    Customer Orientation in Global Organizations
    Emerging Technologies and Business Model Design
    Global Digital Information and Assets
    Global Digitization Strategies
    Global Information Society and E-Government
    Global Information Systems
    Global IT Standards and Quality Management System
    Global Organizational Digitalization
    Global Technology Diffusion and Transfer
    Information Security and Privacy in Global Organizations
    IT-enabled Entrepreneurship in Global Organizations
    IT-enabled New Product Development
    IT-enabled Responsible and Sustainable Innovation
    IT-enabled Supply Chain Management in Global Organizations
    Knowledge Management in Global Organizations
    Organizational Learning in Global Organizations
    Organizational Memory in Global Organizations
    Stakeholders Management in Global Organizations
    Sustainable Technologies and Carbon Neutrality
    Value Co-creation in Global Organizations
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
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