Conference Information
ICICT''' 2022: International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques
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Ghaziabad, India
Viewed: 3957   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Advances in High-Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence:

    AI Algorithms
    Artificial Intelligence tools & Applications
    Automatic Control
    Natural Language Processing
    Computer Vision and Speech Understanding
    Data Mining and Machine Learning Tools
    Fuzzy Logic
    Heuristic and AI Planning Strategies and Tools
    Computational Theories of Learning
    Hybrid Intelligent Systems
    Information Retrieval
    Intelligent System Architectures
    Knowledge Representation
    Knowledge-based Systems
    Multimedia & Cognitive Informatics
    Neural Networks
    Parallel Processing
    Pattern Recognition
    Semantic Web Techniques and Technologies
    Soft computing theory and applications
    Software & Hardware Architectures
    Quantum Computing
    Social Computing
    Cloud Computing
    Grid Computing
    Embedded Computing
    Large-scale applications
    Human-centered Computing
    Large Scale Graph Analytics
    Probabilistic Reasoning
    Evolutionary Computing
    Hybrid intelligent systems,
    Morphic Computing
    Image processing,
    Signal or Image Processing
    Vision Recognition
    Data Visualization
    Big Data Analytics Systems and Software Architectures
    Pervasive computing and ambient intelligence
    Recent Trends and Developments
    Web Intelligence Applications & Search

Advances in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science

    Mathematical, Probabilistic and Statistical Models and Theories
    Machine Learning Theories, Models and Systems
    Knowledge Discovery Theories, Models and Systems
    Manifold and Metric Learning
    Deep Learning and Deep Analytics
    Scalable Analysis and Learning
    Heterogeneous Data/Information Integration
    Data Pre-Processing, Sampling, and Reduction
    Dimensionality Reduction
    Feature Selection, Transformation, and Construction
    Large Scale Optimization Learning using Ensemble and Boosting Strategies
    Active Machine Learning
    Manifold Learning
    Fuzzy Learning
    Evolutionary-based Learning
    Expert Systems
    Agents and Multi-agent Systems
    Support Vector Machines
    Ambient Intelligence
    Sentiment Analysis
    Human-Computer Interaction
    Computer Vision
    Geographic Information Systems
    Video Analysis
    Medical Diagnosis
    Segmentation Techniques
    Augmented Reality
    Virtual Reality

Information and Cyber Security

    Blockchain and distributed ledger technology
    Socio-technical aspects of cryptocurrencies
    Privacy-preserving computing
    Privacy-aware computing
    Homomorphic encryption
    Cryptographic obfuscation
    Post-quantum cryptography
    Other new cryptographic primitives
    AI security such as adversarial machine learning
    Security and privacy in online social networks
    Security and privacy in fog/edge computing
    New human-centric (e.g. human-in-the-loop) cyber security solutions
    New applications of the above technologies
    Interdisciplinary research topics especially those with psychology, law, business, criminology, and wider sociology subjects
    Cryptographic applications in cloud computing and the Internet of things
    Evaluation of Learning Systems
    Computational Learning Theory
    Experimental Evaluation
    Knowledge Refinement and Feedback Control
    Scalability Analysis
    Statistical Learning Theory Computational Metrics

Network and Data Management

    Network computing and cloud computing
    Simulation of computing systems
    Network storage
    Network data security and service
    Parallel the I/O
    EIS network technology and software technology comprehensive application
    The embedded system and application
    Computer storage technology
    Sensors/actuators network
    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
    Signal Processing
    Satellite Communication Systems
    Optical Communication
    MIMO, OFDM and Smart Antennas
    3G/4G/5G Network Evolutions
    Mobile Adhoc Networks
    Open Spectrum Solutions
    Communication Protocols
    Cognitive Radio
    Green Computing
    Smart Grids
    Sensing and Sensor Networks
    Computer-Aided Network Design
    The parallel distributed computing
    Intelligent control
    Network storage system
    Mass network storage system, parallel storage system
    Multimedia data processing and communication
    Multimedia system technology, computer interface technology
    Computer equipment evaluation techniques and instruments
    Computer simulation technology
    Web Algorithms
    Exact and Parameterized Computation
    Algorithmic Game Theory
    Computational Biology

Image Processing and Multimedia

    Image & Signal Processing Applications
    Image Acquisition and Display
    Image and Video Processing & Analysis
    Image Formation
    Image Scanning, Display, and Printing
    Machine learning, Computer Graphics, Biological Vision
    Storage and Retrieval
    Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
    Education and Training
    Multimedia analysis and Internet
    Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence
    Multimedia Applications
    Multimedia Communication and Networking
    Multimedia Content Understanding
    Multimedia Databases and File Systems
    Multimedia Human-Machine Interface and Interaction
    Multimedia Interface and Interaction
    Multimedia Security and Content Protection
    Multimedia Signal Processing
    Multimedia Standards and Related Issues
    Multimedia Systems and Devices
    Operating System Mechanisms for Multimedia
    Virtual Reality and 3-D Imaging
    Wireless, Mobile Computing, and Multimedia

Interdisciplinary Research Domain

    Nuclear engineering
    Embedded Systems
    Social Media and Networking
    All topics related to Computer Science
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-06-26
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