Journal Information
Security and Privacy
Impact Factor:
John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

Security and Privacy is an international journal publishing original research and review papers on all areas of security and privacy including Security in Business, Healthcare and Society, Information and Data Security, Communication Security, and Privacy. Other related areas such as Biometric--based Security, Cryptography systems, Embedded Security, Data Analytics for Security and Privacy, Integrated Security Design Schemes, Surveillance, and Critical Infrastructures and Key Resources will be considered as well.

Security in Business, Healthcare and Society

    Healthcare and Bioinformatics security
    Infrastructure (power grids, transport) security
    Finance – incl. mobile payments and mobile banking
    Personal data security
    Mobile commerce security
    Cybercrime and cyberwar
    Cloud Security
    Policy, regulation and legislation
    Business protections / response / recovery
    IT Risk Management
    Electronic voting and digital democracy
    Government as a platform
    Censorship (and resistance)
    Digital Rights Management Ethics
    Internet of Things
    Consumer applications critical infrastructure and key resources

Information and Data Security

    Access control
    Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance
    Organizational security
    Human-oriented security
    Data-centric security
    Security by design
    Intrusion detection methods
    Biometric-based security
    Physiological-based schemes
    Behavioural-based schemes
    Trust Management
    Database security systems
    Big data security issues
    Block chain
    Quantum security
    AI security
    Physical layer security

Communication Security

    Security in wired and wireless networks
    Security and privacy assessment for communications
    Denial of service prevention schemes for communication systems
    Penetration testing, intrusion detection, and prevention schemes
    Multimedia application security and privacy analysis and studies
    Security and privacy in mobile communication services
    Smartphone multimedia application


    Privacy Engineering
    Privacy by design
    Risk assessment
    Data flow modelling
    Requirements engineering
    Privacy management and processes
    Ontologies and semantics
    Data Protection Reputation systems
    Data protection in emerging scenarios
    Data access control policies and models
    Applied cryptography for data protection
    Privacy in data processing
    Selective data sharing

The emphasis is on security protocols, approaches and techniques applied to all areas of security and privacy. The journal provides a prominent forum for the R&D community in both academia and industry.

Responding to the highly applied and commercial importance of Security and Privacy R&D, submissions of applied-oriented papers reporting on case studies, test beds, review and tutorial articles and simulation-based studies are encouraged as well as theoretical-based articles.

All submissions to the journal will be peer-reviewed, and accepted manuscripts will be professionally produced to ensure a common style and level of content for the journal. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-26
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