Conference Information
MECOM 2024: IEEE Middle East Conference on Communications and Networking
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Abu Dhabi, UAE
Viewed: 2190   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
IEEE MECOM is the conference of the IEEE Communications Society serving the Middle East area and surrounding countries. It gathers visionary researchers in academia and industry from all over the world to the Middle East to share their knowledge and explore the dynamic region and its rich history. IEEE MECOM features a comprehensive and timely technical program, addressing the hottest topics in the areas of communications and networking. IEEE MECOM 2024 solicits researchers in industry and academia to submit papers on a wide range of research subjects, encompassing theoretical and applied research. Original technical papers are sought, but are not limited, to the following areas:

    5G/6G Systems and Networks
    Antennas, Propagation, and Channel Modeling
    Big Data and Machine Learning for Communications
    Cloud Communications and Data-Center Networks
    Coding/Decoding Theory and Techniques for Communications
    Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access
    Communication and Information Theory
    Edge Computing, Edge Intelligence, and Fog Networks
    Energy Efficient Communications and Computing
    Image, Speech, and Signal Processing for Communications
    Integrated Sensing and Communications
    Internet of Things
    Massive MIMO and Cell-Free Massive MIMO
    Millimeter-Wave, Sub-Terahertz, and Terahertz Communications
    Molecular and Nanoscale Communications
    Network Applications, Services, and Management
    Network Architecture, SDN, NFV
    Next-Generation Multiple Access Schemes
    Next-Generation Physical, Link, and Network Layers Techniques
    Optical Communications and Networks
    Performance Evaluation, Simulation, Testbeds and Prototypes
    QoE/QoS Support and Cross-Layer Design
    Quantum Communications and Computing
    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces and Holographic Surfaces
    Satellite and Space Communications
    Security, Privacy, Trust and Blockchain
    Semantic and Goal-Oriented Communications
    Smart Grids and Energy Networks
    Underground and Underwater Communications
    Vehicular Networks
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-24
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