Conference Information
6GNet 2024: International Conference on 6G Networking
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Paris, France
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Call For Papers
We are pleased to invite your submissions for the 3rd edition of the International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet 2024), which will be held in Paris, France, from October 21 to 24, 2024!

6G network research is already ongoing with multiple initiatives worldwide. Besides the (somewhat questionable) speed race, 6G networking is a tremendous opportunity to investigate and foster research in areas like the need for massive digital inclusion and stronger robustness against attacks of any kind, among other challenging topics like global network automation and cross-domain service/slice design, delivery and operation. 6G networking may also be seen as a true convergence point where the distinction between fixed and mobile infrastructures would not make sense anymore. The research effort in this area of convergence has ignited for quite some time but dramatically progressed with 5G techniques, possibly combined with others like advanced forwarding schemes (multi-path communication designs) or AI/ML-fueled network automation. This third 6G conference therefore aims at assessing the progress of the various research efforts in areas that will forge 6G networks.

The 6GNet conference will bring together top-notch experts from academia and industry (including network operators) to stimulate discussions, introduce new ideas and thereby contribute to the progress of 6G networking research.

We invite authors to submit original contributions in all areas of 6G networks.


    6G applications and use cases
    6G architectures and visions
    6G green networking and sustainability
    6G physical layers and frequencies
    6G RAN
    6G core network
    6G direct link
    6G satellite and 3D networks
    Non-public towards 6G
    Innovation for 6G (semantic and goal oriented communication)
    Implementations, testbeds, and prototypes (pre 6G and 5G lessons learned)
    Hybrid technology (Wi-Fi 8 and 6G)
    Localization in 6G
    Security and privacy within 6G
    Edge and embedded edge cloud computing
    Softwarization and virtualization in fixed and mobile networks
    6G QoS and slicing
    Global 6G network automation (from service/slice parameter exposure and negotiation to service/slice fulfillment and assurance)
    Dynamic inter-domain service/slice (including service function chaining) design and provisioning
    AI/ML driven network automation/orchestration techniques
    Zero-touch networks
    6G migration strategies (coexistence with 5G and legacy techs)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-25
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