Conference Information
NSPW 2024: New Security Paradigms Workshop
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Bedford, Pennsylvania, USA
CCF: c   CORE: c   Viewed: 20752   Tracked: 38   Attend: 5

Call For Papers
The New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) seeks embryonic, disruptive, and unconventional ideas on information and cybersecurity that benefit from early, in-depth, and constructive feedback. Submissions typically address current limitations of information security, directly challenge long-held beliefs or the very foundations of security, or discuss problems from an entirely novel angle, leading to new solutions. We welcome papers both from computer science and other disciplines that study adversarial relationships and other aspects of security, as well as from practice. The workshop is invitation-only; all accepted papers receive a 1-hour plenary time slot for presentation and discussion. In order to maximize diversity of perspectives, we particularly encourage submissions from new NSPW authors, from Ph.D. students, and from non-obvious disciplines and institutions.

In addition to regular submissions presenting new security paradigms, NSPW also has an optional theme each year to encourage submissions in specific areas of interest or importance. The theme for NSPW 2024 is Response:

Cyber security is a rapidly moving field driven by changes in technical, socio-technical and geopolitical drivers. The security community is constantly responding to these changes as well as to short-term events. The response theme is appropriate for submissions looking at, for example, new paradigms for response functions, responding to changes in the threat and technology landscape, how humans respond to one another in the context of cyber security and new paradigms to optimize or improve response strategies.

Relevant topics for this theme include:

    Novel paradigms for detection and response activities
    Response planning and awareness
    Responses to changing threat landscapes and technologies
    Response methodologies and evaluation criteria
    Predictive approaches to develop cyber security response activity
    Response design, automated, human, or combined
    Interactions between human and automated response
    The consequences of not responding

Other related topics and interpretations of response are welcome.

NSPW 2024 is scheduled to be held in the Omni Bedford Springs, Bedford, PA, United States. As in the past, this choice of venue is designed to facilitate interactions between the invited attendees throughout the workshop.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-14
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