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CCF: Journal Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
Displaying 661-690 of 1182 results.
CCFShortFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSNViewed
JCENJournal of Construction EngineeringHindawi2356-729511795
 Journal of Heuristics1.100Springer1381-123111789
 Artificial Life and Robotics0.800Springer1433-529811772
 Computers & Education8.900Elsevier0360-131511768
 Nature Biomedical Engineering26.80Springer2157-846X11733
 Journal of Discrete AlgorithmsElsevier1570-866711732
AOEAdvances in OptoElectronicsHindawi1687-563X11730
 Advances in Computational Mathematics1.700Springer1019-716811716
IJEMInternational Journal of Engineering MathematicsHindawi2356-700711714
 Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice1.700John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.2047-748111657
 Journal of Classification1.800Springer0176-426811634
IJASUCInternational Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing AIRCC0976-220511633
 Vehicular Communications5.800Elsevier2214-209611630
 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification1.400Springer1862-534711611
 Journal of Information Science1.800SAGE0165-551511606
 Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems1.800Springer0932-419411551
 Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems2.800Taylor & Francis1547-245011543
bTOMSACM Transactions on Mathematical Software2.700ACM0098-350011532
 Automation and Remote Control0.600Springer0005-117911528
 Ocean Modelling3.100Elsevier1463-500311523
 Computer Science - Research and DevelopmentSpringer1865-203411503
IJEETDMInternational Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media SDIWC2410-043911485
 Information Technology & People4.900Emerald0959-384511460
 International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications4.500Taylor & Francis1367-556711457
 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems3.100Springer0921-029611454
cJLAPThe Journal of Logic and Algebraic ProgrammingElsevier1567-832611438
JOCECJournal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce2.000Taylor & Francis1091-939211432
 Biomedical Signal Processing and Control4.900Elsevier1746-809411424
Displaying 661-690 of 1182 results.
Full NameImpact FactorViewed
Journal of Construction Engineering11795
Journal of Heuristics1.10011789
Artificial Life and Robotics0.80011772
Computers & Education8.90011768
Nature Biomedical Engineering26.8011733
Journal of Discrete Algorithms11732
Advances in OptoElectronics11730
Advances in Computational Mathematics1.70011716
International Journal of Engineering Mathematics11714
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice1.70011657
Journal of Classification1.80011634
International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing 11633
Vehicular Communications5.80011630
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification1.40011611
Journal of Information Science1.80011606
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems1.80011551
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems2.80011543
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software2.70011532
Automation and Remote Control0.60011528
Ocean Modelling3.10011523
Computer Science - Research and Development11503
International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media 11485
Information Technology & People4.90011460
International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications4.50011457
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems3.10011454
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming11438
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce2.00011432
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control4.90011424