Información de la Revista
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (JOCEC)
Factor de Impacto:
Taylor & Francis
Solicitud de Artículos
Aims and scope

The aim of the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (JOCEC) is to publish quality, fresh, and innovative work that will make a difference for future research and practice rather than focusing on well-established research areas.

JOCEC publishes original research that explores the relationships between computer/communication technology and the design, operations, and performance of organizations. This includes implications of the technologies for organizational structure and dynamics, technological advances to keep pace with changes of organizations and their environments, emerging technological possibilities for improving organizational performance, and the many facets of electronic business.

Theoretical, experimental, survey, and design science research are all welcome and might look at:

• E-commerce
• Collaborative commerce
• Interorganizational systems
• Enterprise systems
• Supply chain technologies
• Computer-supported cooperative work
• Computer-aided coordination
• Economics of organizational computing
• Technologies for organizational learning
• Behavioral aspects of organizational computing

Submissions will be screened for suitability and, once the author has been notified of the screening result, accepted submissions will then be evaluated by two to four referees. The double-anonymized refereeing of submissions is directed by the Editor-in-Chief, a Senior Editor, or an Associate Editor. 
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2024-08-24
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