| | International Journal of Computers Communications & Control | 2.000 | Agora University | 1841-9836 | 4 |
| | IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems | 4.000 | IEEE | 2372-2533 | 4 |
| | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | 8.600 | IEEE | 1949-3053 | 4 |
| NLPR | Natural Language Processing Research | | Atlantis Press | 2666-0512 | 4 |
b | TACL | Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics | | The Association for Computational Linguistics | 2307-387X | 4 |
| | Networking Science | | Springer | 2076-0310 | 3 |
b | JSC | Journal of Symbolic Computation | 0.600 | Elsevier | 0747-7171 | 3 |
c | DAM | Discrete Applied Mathematics | 1.000 | Elsevier | 0166-218X | 3 |
| IJAOSE | International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering | | Inder Science Publishers | 1746-1375 | 3 |
b | JFP | Journal of Functional Programming | 1.100 | Cambridge University Press | 0956-7968 | 3 |
| | Computing and Informatics | | Institute of Informatics, Slovakia | 1335-9150 | 3 |
| | IET Journal on Image Processing | | IET | 1751-9659 | 3 |
| | IET Journal on Singal Processing | | IET | 1751-9675 | 3 |
| | International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition | 1.800 | Springer | 1433-2833 | 3 |
| IJCNC | International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications | | AIRCC | 0975-2293 | 3 |
| IJDPS | International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems | | AIRCC | 2229-3957 | 3 |
| IJMA | International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications | | AIRCC | 0975-5934 | 3 |
| IJWesT | International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology | | AIRCC | 0976-2280 | 3 |
| SIPIJ | Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal | | AIRCC | 2229-3922 | 3 |
| | IEICE Transactions on Electronics | | IEICE | | 3 |
| | IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences | | IEICE | | 3 |
| JMIS | Journal of Management Information Systems | 7.700 | Myron E. Sharpe | 0742-1222 | 3 |
| | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 3.500 | Elsevier | 0096-3003 | 3 |
| | Control Engineering Practice | 5.400 | Elsevier | 0967-0661 | 3 |
| | Electronic Commerce Research and Applications | 5.900 | Elsevier | 1567-4223 | 3 |
| | Digital Investigation | | Elsevier | 1742-2876 | 3 |
| | Journal of Visual Languages and Computing | | Elsevier | 1045-926X | 3 |
| | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | 12.20 | Elsevier | 0278-6125 | 3 |
| | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2.100 | Elsevier | 0377-0427 | 3 |
| | Network Security | | Elsevier | 1353-4858 | 3 |