Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
The IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid is a cross disciplinary journal aimed at disseminating results of research on and development of the smart grid, which encompasses energy networks where prosumers, electric transportation, distributed energy resources, and communications are integral and interactive components, as in the case of microgrids and active distribution networks interfaced with transmission systems. The journal publishes original research on theories and principles of smart grid technologies and systems, used in demand response, Advance Metering Infrastructure, cyber-physical systems, multi-energy systems, transactive energy, data analytics, and EV integration. Surveys of existing work on the smart grid may also be considered for publication when they propose a new viewpoint on history and a challenging perspective on the future of intelligent and active grids.

Paper Categories

Topics within the journal scope:

    Ac/dc microgrids
    Ac/dc Active Distribution Networks (ADNs)
    Multi-energy systems
    Demand Response (DR) and Demand Side Management (DSM)
    Distributed Energy Resources (DER) interactions and integration with power grids
    Smart sensors, meters, and Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
    PMU hardware/software and applications for distribution systems
    EV power grid integration and impact
    Peer-to-peer, transactive energy, blockchain power grid applications
    Cyber-physical and cybersecurity power grid applications
    Data analytics and big data applications to microgrids and ADNs
    Application of telecommunication technologies to power systems

Examples of topics out-of-scope:

    Transmission system Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
    DER hardware and internal controls
    Non-active distribution networks
    Transmission system load and price forecast, markets, and AI applications
    Transmission system protections
    Power Line Carrier (PLC) communications
    DC transmission systems
    PMU hardware/software and applications for transmission systems such as WAMS and WACS
    Economic, pricing, and market framework issues of DR/DSM, ADNs, microgrids, DERs, EVs, and multi-energy systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-25
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