International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC)
Inder Science Publishers
JAHUC publishes papers that address networking or computing problems in the context of mobile and wireless ad hoc networks, wireless sensor networks, ad hoc computing systems, and ubiquitous computing systems.

Topics covered include

    Hardware and architecture
    Algorithm and protocol designs
    Quality of service
    Power-aware and energy-efficient designs
    Middleware service
    Physical interaction and human experience
    Service, application, and system
    Simulation, modelling, and analysis
    Security, privacy, and trust
    Emerging technologies

Ad Hoc Computing

    Addressing and location management
    Architectures, protocols, and algorithms
    Data management issues
    Distributed technology
    Network design and planning
    Power-aware and energy-efficient designs
    Quality of service
    Resource allocation
    Security and privacy
    Self-configuring and self-healing schemes
    Services and applications
    Traffic analysis and control
    Mobile ad hoc networking
    Wireless sensor network
    Mobile ad hoc learning

Ubiquitous Computing

    System support infrastructures and services
    Middleware services and agent technologies
    Architectural structure, design decisions and philosophies
    Interoperability and wide scale deployment
    Context and location awareness, context based and implicit computing
    User interfaces and interaction models
    Software infrastructures
    Service discovery mechanisms and protocols
    Intelligent devices and environments
    Wireless/mobile service management and delivery
    Wearable computers and technologies
    Personalised applications
最終更新 Dou Sun 2013-11-01
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality1.500ACM1936-1955
IEEE Letters of the Computer SocietyIEEE2573-9689
cInformation Retrieval1.700Springer1386-4564
Ethics and Information Technology3.400Springer1388-1957
cEURASIP Journal on Information Security2.500Springer1687-417X
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing0.900ACM2329-4949
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture7.700Elsevier0168-1699
cWireless Communications and Mobile ComputingHindawi1530-8669
Intelligence & RoboticsOAE Publishing2770-3541
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering5.800IOS Press1069-2509
ACMSEACM Southeast Conference2023-12-032024-03-012024-04-18
baa2ISSREInternational Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering2024-05-032024-07-262024-10-28
EC2NDEuropean Conference on Computer Network Defense2011-07-042011-08-042011-09-06
aa*a1UbicompACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing2024-06-072024-06-282024-10-05
DigiProDigital Production Symposium2013-05-082013-06-012013-07-20
cb2ISPDCInternational Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing2024-04-202024-05-182024-07-08
FCSTInternational Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology2017-03-312017-04-222017-06-21
CVIRInternational Conference on Content based Image and Video Retrieval 2010-02-242010-06-13
FCRARFlorida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics2020-04-012020-04-302020-05-14
ISSRMETInternational Conference on Information System Security, Risk Management, and E-Commerce Transactions2015-09-14 2015-10-14