Conference Information
FCST 2017: International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology
Submission Date:
2017-03-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Exeter, UK
Viewed: 18251   Tracked: 8   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
Welcome to participate in the 11th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology (FCST-2017), Exeter, UK, 21-23 June 2017!

FCST-2017 is intended to facilitate effective communications and exchanges all over the world. It will not only reflect the significant progresses that are currently being made in computer science and technology, but also represent a powerful and unique forum for discussing innovative, cutting-edge advances in all aspects of computer science and technology from researchers and practitioners in academia, government and corporate institutions around the globe.

Scope and Topics

FCST2017 is an international forum for presenting and discussing emerging ideas and trends in the frontier of computer science and technology from both the research community as well as the industry. Topics of interest in this year focus on 9 popular areas in particular, but are not limited to:

Track 1. Parallel and Distributed Computing
Track 2. Trust, Security and Privacy
Track 3. Automation and Control Engineering
Track 4. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Track 5. Multimedia Systems and Networks
Track 6. Embedded Computing and Systems
Track 7. Emerging Software Techniques
Track 8. Applications, Business and Social Issues
Track 9. CPS and Internet of things
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-03-26
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