Journal Information
Journal of Computer Security (JCS)
IOS Press
Call For Papers
The Journal of Computer Security presents research and development results of lasting significance in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, and application of secure computer systems and networks. It will also provide a forum for ideas about the meaning and implications of security and privacy, particularly those with important consequences for the technical community. The Journal provides an opportunity to publish articles of greater depth and length than is possible in the proceedings of various existing conferences, while addressing an audience of researchers in computer security who can be assumed to have a more specialized background than the readership of other archival publications.

The Journal welcomes contributions on all aspects of computer security: confidentiality, integrity, and protection of services against denial of service or unauthorized use. Of interest is a precise understanding of security policies through modelling, as well as the design and analysis of mechanisms for enforcing them, and the architectural principles of software and hardware systems implementing them. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2013-10-03
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