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CCF: Conference Rank (A, B, C) from China Computer Federation (2022)
CORE: Conference Rank (A*, A, B, C) from Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (2020)
QUALIS: Conference Rank (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5) from Brazilian Classification System for Conferences and Journals (2016)
CORE: Conference Rank (A*, A, B, C) from Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (2020)
QUALIS: Conference Rank (A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5) from Brazilian Classification System for Conferences and Journals (2016)
Displaying 1-30 of 1496 results.
CCF | CORE | QUALIS | Short | Full Name | Submission | Notification | Conference | Location | Years | Attend |
c | a | a2 | IJCNN | International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | 2025-01-15 | 2025-03-31 | 2025-06-30 | Rome, Italy | 231 | |
a | a* | a1 | AAAI | AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 2024-08-07 | 2024-12-09 | 2025-02-25 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | 39 | 206 |
a | a* | a1 | IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 2025-01-16 | 2025-04-28 | 2025-08-16 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 34 | 139 |
c | a | b1 | ICONIP | International Conference on Neural Information Processing | 2024-05-31 | 2024-07-26 | 2024-12-02 | Auckland, New Zealand | 31 | 137 |
b | b | a1 | ICME | International Conference on Multimedia and Expo | 2024-12-13 | 2025-03-14 | 2025-06-30 | Nantes, France | 26 | 136 |
c | b | HPCC | International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications | 2025-03-15 | 2025-05-01 | 2025-06-26 | Exeter, UK | 27 | 119 | |
c | a | TrustCom | International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications | 2024-10-01 | 2024-10-30 | 2024-12-17 | Sanya, China | 23 | 116 | |
a | a* | a1 | CVPR | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 2024-11-14 | 2025-02-26 | 2025-06-10 | Nashville, Tennessee, USA | 115 | |
b | b | a1 | ICASSP | International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing | 2024-09-09 | 2024-12-18 | 2025-04-06 | Hyderabad, India | 50 | 112 |
c | b | a2 | ICC | International Conference on Communications | 2024-10-11 | 2025-01-17 | 2025-06-08 | Montreal, Quebec, Canada | 24 | 106 |
b | b4 | BIBM | International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine | 2024-08-15 | 2024-10-16 | 2024-12-03 | Lisbon, Portugal | 99 | ||
b | a* | a1 | ICDM | International Conference on Data Mining | 2024-06-14 | 2024-09-06 | 2024-12-09 | Abu Dhabi, UAE | 24 | 97 |
c | b | a2 | ISCC | IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications | 2025-01-10 | 2025-03-14 | 2025-07-02 | Bologna, Italy | 30 | 91 |
c | b | a2 | WCNC | IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference | 2024-09-02 | 2024-12-20 | 2025-03-24 | Milan, Italy | 23 | 91 |
c | b | b1 | ICANN | International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks | 2024-03-15 | 2024-05-15 | 2024-09-17 | Lugano-Viganello, Switzerland | 33 | 90 |
c | b | b3 | ISPA | International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications | 2024-07-01 | 2024-08-01 | 2024-10-30 | Kaifeng, China | 22 | 88 |
c | b | a1 | Globecom | IEEE Global Communications Conference | 2024-04-01 | 2024-08-01 | 2024-12-08 | Cape Town, South Africa | 67 | 88 |
c | b | b1 | ICPADS | International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems | 2024-07-07 | 2024-08-15 | 2024-10-10 | Belgrade, Serbia | 30 | 86 |
a | a* | a1 | The Web Conference | International World Wide Web Conference | 2024-10-07 | 2025-01-27 | 2025-04-28 | Sydney, Australia | 34 | 85 |
b | a | a1 | CIKM | ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | 2024-05-13 | 2024-07-16 | 2024-10-21 | Boise, Idaho, USA | 33 | 84 |
c | b | a2 | ICTAI | International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence | 2024-07-01 | 2024-08-18 | 2024-10-28 | Herndon, Virginia, USA | 36 | 83 |
c | b | b2 | CSCWD | International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design | 2024-11-15 | 2025-01-31 | 2025-05-05 | Compiegne, France | 28 | 81 |
c | b | b3 | KSEM | International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management | 2024-01-15 | 2024-03-01 | 2024-08-16 | Birmingham, UK | 17 | 80 |
b | b1 | DASFAA | International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications | 2024-11-04 | 2025-01-16 | 2025-05-25 | Singapore | 30 | 80 | |
c | a | PAKDD | Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | 2024-11-30 | 2025-01-25 | 2025-06-10 | Sydney, Australia | 29 | 78 | |
c | b | PRICAI | Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 2024-06-12 | 2024-08-07 | 2024-11-18 | Kyoto, Japan | 21 | 76 | |
c | b | a1 | ICPR | International Conference on Pattern Recognition | 2024-03-20 | 2024-08-05 | 2024-12-01 | Kolkata, India | 27 | 73 |
c | b | b3 | ICA3PP | International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing | 2024-05-30 | 2024-07-30 | 2024-10-29 | Macau, China | 24 | 72 |
c | c | b1 | MMM | International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling | 2024-08-19 | 2024-10-09 | 2025-01-07 | Nara, Japan | 31 | 70 |
a | a* | a1 | INFOCOM | International Conference on Computer Communications | 2024-07-24 | 2024-12-06 | 2025-05-19 | London, UK | 44 | 69 |
Displaying 1-30 of 1496 results.