Conference Information
HPCC 2025: International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
Submission Date:
2025-04-30 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Exeter, UK
CCF: c   CORE: b   Viewed: 166277   Tracked: 324   Attend: 119

Call For Papers
Welcome Message

With the rapid growth in computing and communications technology, the past decade has witnessed a proliferation of powerful parallel and distributed systems and an ever increasing demand for practice of high performance computing and communications (HPCC). HPCC has moved into the mainstream of computing and has become a key technology in determining future research and development activities in many academic and industrial branches, especially when the solution of large and complex problems must cope with very tight timing schedules.

Among a series of highly successful International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), the HPCC-2025 conference is the 27th edition of a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to address the resulting profound challenges and to present and discuss their new ideas, research results, applications and experience on all aspects of high performance computing and communications. IEEE HPCC-2025 is sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, and IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC).

The 27th IEEE HPCC follows the tradition of previous successful IEEE HPCC conferences in the years from 2005 to 2024 in Asia, Europe, Australia, and America. It will feature sessions of regular presentations, workshops, tutorials and keynote speeches. IEEE HPCC-2025 will be hosted in Exeter, the capital city of Devon and provides the county with a central base for education, medicine, religion, commerce and culture. The city is also home to the magnificent Exeter Cathedral, which dates back to Norman times. Exeter is also ideally placed to base a trip to branch out visiting places such as the famous Dartmoor National Park and the unspoilt beaches of the North and South Devon coastlines.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to HPCC-2025. All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by Engineering Index (EI). The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.

Scope and Topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: High Performance Computing and Applications

    High Performance Computing Theory
    High Performance Computing Architectures
    System Software and Middleware
    System Software Support for Scientific Workflows
    Storage and I/O Systems
    Resource Management
    Instruction-Level and Thread-Level Parallelism
    Performance Modeling and Evaluation
    Massively Multicore Systems
    Future Novel Computing Platforms
    Database Applications and Data Mining
    High Performance Computing for Bioinformatics
    High Performance Computing for Big Data
    High Performance Computing for AI
    High Performance Computing for Block Chains
    Green High Performance Computing

Track 2: Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems

    Parallel and Distributed System Architectures
    Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
    Data Center Architectures
    Resource Virtualization
    Web Services and Internet Computing
    Cloud Computing
    Grid and Cluster Computing
    Federated Learning
    Embedded Systems
    Distributed Systems and Applications
    Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing & Intelligence
    Distributed Graphics and VR/AR/MR Systems
    Distributed AI and Soft/Natural Computing
    Power-Efficient and Green Computing Systems
    Parallel and Distributed Computing for Big Data
    Parallel and Distributed Computing for AI

Track 3: Communications and Networking

    Network and Interconnect Architectures
    Computer Networks
    Internet Architectures and Protocols
    Trust, Security, and Privacy
    Energy-Aware Computing and Networking
    5G Network
    Software Defined Networking
    Network Functions Virtualization
    Machine Learning and Deep Learning
    Social Networking and Computing
    Performance Evaluation and Measurement

Track 4: Computing Power Network(CPN) and Network for AI Computing

    Computing and network convergence technology for AI application
    Resource allocation and collaboration in CPN
    Computing power identification and measurement technology
    Lossless network design
    Technology for RDMA
    IPv6/SRv6-based hyperscale AI Datacenter
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-02-05
Acceptance Ratio
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Related Journals
CCFFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSN
cComputer Animation and Virtual Worlds0.900John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.1546-427X
Personalized Medicine UniverseElsevier2186-4950
cApplied Intelligence3.400Springer0924-669X
cCCF Transactions on High Performance Computing1.300Springer2524-4922
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing2.400Hindawi1687-9724
Computers and Geotechnics5.300Elsevier0266-352X
cIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management4.700IEEE1932-4537
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and SystemsIntelligent Networks and Systems Society2185-310X
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools1.000World Scientific0218-2130
cIET Communications1.500IET1751-8628