Conference Information
AIMS 2018: International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security
Submission Date:
2018-04-01 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Munich, Germany
QUALIS: b4   Viewed: 14532   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Authors are invited to submit original contributions with the following topics or other topics related to the conference scope:

    Autonomic or intent-based networking
    Data-driven network management
    Orchestration of network services
    High-speed or ubiquitous monitoring
    Data filtering and refinement
    Situational awareness
    Visualization and virtual reality
    Machine learning for network management and security
    Proactive and predictive security solutions
    Network models, formal verification
    Privacy preservation


All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of AIMS 2018, an IFIP sponsored event. We plan to publish the proceedings as a part of Springer LNCS series.

Conference Paper Submission

The paper submission is handled by the JEMS system, which will be accessible from the AIMS 2018 Web page. Authors can submit two types of papers:

Full papers are expected to report substantial research results relevant for the subjects listed in the conference topics. The first author of the submitted paper must be a junior researcher or Ph.D. student. Only original and full papers that have not been published or submitted for publication else-where can be submitted. Each submission must be written in English and are limited to 14 pages, including all references and figures/tables, in the LNCS paper format. Papers exceeding 14 pages, multiple submissions, and self-plagiarized papers will be rejected without further review.

Ph.D. Research Proposals are short papers describing the current state of the student’s research. The paper needs to include a clear description of the research problem and the chosen approach, argue why the problem is hard and the approach novel, and it has to outline the results achieved to date. Specific, low-level technical details are to be avoided. Papers should have no more than two (in exceptional cases three) authors: the student and one or two advisors. Each submission must be written in English and has to be limited to 5 pages, including all references and figures/tables, in the LNCS paper format.

Best Paper Award

The program committee will select one paper for the Best Paper Award (all regular papers are eligible). The winner will be presented at the conference.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-03-28
Acceptance Ratio
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