ISTT 2024: International Conference on Telecommunication Technologies
2024-07-31 Extended
Langkawi, Malaysia
閲覧: 782   追跡: 0   出席: 0

Interested authors are encouraged to submit original and unpublished contributions in all areas of communications, networks, services, and applications, including but not limited to the following topics:

    6G and Emerging Technologies
    Antenna Systems, Propagation, and RF Design
    Backhaul & Networking
    Cloud/Edge Computing, Networking, & Data Storage
    Cognitive Radio & AI-Enabled Networks
    Machine Learning for Communications
    Electric Vehicles, Vehicular Electronics, and Intelligent Transportation
    Transmission Technologies and Communication Theory
    Communication Software & Multimedia
    Protocols, Security and Services for Wireless Networks
    Green Communication Systems & Networks
    Integrated Sensing & Communication
    IoV, IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking
    Molecular, Biological & Multi-Scale Communications
    Next-Generation Networking & Internet
    Optical Transmissions and Networks
    Quantum Communications & Computing
    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
    Satellite Networks, Positioning Technologies, Localization and Navigation Signal Processing for Communications
    Smart Grid Communications
    Terahertz Communications
    Visible Light Communications
    Vehicular Communications, Unmanned Vehicle
    Communications, Vehicular Networks and Telematics
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-07-31
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics LettersIEEE2836-628X
Cybernetics and Systems Analysis0.500Springer1060-0396
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology AIRCC2231-3605
IET Control Theory & Applications2.200IET1751-8644
Journal of Network and Systems Management4.100Springer1064-7570
aArtificial Intelligence5.100Elsevier0004-3702
Security and Privacy1.500John Wiley & Sons Ltd2475-6725
IEEE Design & Test1.900IEEE2168-2356
Computers & Fluids2.500Elsevier0045-7930
cIEEE Internet of Things Journal8.200IEEE2327-4662