Conference Information
HIMS 2023: International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems
Submission Date:
2023-05-24 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Viewed: 2897   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted papers will appear in the HIMS’23 conference proceedings published by IEEE (CPS) in printed book form; later, the proceedings will also be accessible online. Papers should demonstrate significant contribution to the construction, evaluation, application, or operation of secure systems. Those interested in proposing workshops/sessions, should refer to the " Call for Session / Workshop" section.

Accepted papers must be uploaded to the site that will be provided in the paper acceptance email. One of the authors must present the paper.

In case of hesitation by some authors/speakers to travel during year 2023 due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 please read on "NON ATTENDANCE POLICY" section.

Health Informatics and Medical Systems is an important area that is at the intersection of information science, computer science, social science, behavioral science and health care. This field is mainly concerned with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, processing and use of information in health and biomedicine. Health informatics is driven by computers, information and communication systems. It is a multi-disciplinary field that covers a wide spectrum of sub-fields. It combines the problem solving skills of computer scientists with health care professionals and health care givers.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

    Information Technologies for Healthcare Delivery and Management
    Health Data Acquisition, Management and Visualization
    Healthcare Knowledge Management and Decision Support
    Healthcare Modeling and Simulation
    Data Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning
    Health Information Systems
    Clinical Informatics
    Integrated Data Repository
    Computational Health Informatics
    Community Health Informatics
    Informatics for Education & Research in Health and Medicine
    Imaging Science
    Collaboration tools such as social media, web apps, patient education
    Healthcare Communication Networks and Environments
    Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals
    Computer-Aided Surgery
    Computers in Medical Education
    Haptics in Healthcare
    Health Care Information Systems
    Implant Technology and Systems
    Interactive 3-D Models
    Medical Physics
    Neural, Sensory Systems and Rehabilitationv
    Patient Diagnosis Methods
    Patient Monitoring Systems
    Regenerative Medicine
    Systems Physiology
    Therapeutic Engineering and Systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-05-15
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