Conference Information
WCCS 2019: World Conference on Complex Systems
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Conference Date:
Ouarzazate, Morocco
Viewed: 12681   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
After the success of the previous editions (ICCS12, WCCS14 and WCCS15), we are very glad to announce the WCCS19, “4th Edition of World conference on Complex Systems “. The WCCS19 will be organized by Ibn Zohr University; Moroccan Society of Complex Systems and National College of IT (ENSIAS, Mohamed V Souissi University) in partnership with IEEE Moroccan section and International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Science during April 22-25, 2019 in Ouarzazate-Morocco.

The recent technological progress leads to an increased complexity in many Natural and Artificial Systems. This increase in complexity is a result of the emergence of new properties and spatio temporal interactions among a large number of system elements and between the system and its environment. The WCCS19 will provide a high-level international forum for researchers and Ph. D. students who will present recent research results, address new challenges and discuss trends in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science. The aims of the conference are focused on the debate about the most relevant methodologies and approaches to understanding, modelling, simulating, predicting, evaluating and mastering the Societal, Ecological, Biological and Engineered Complex Systems.

Complex Engineered Systems
Complex Social Systems
Complex Biological and Ecological Systems
Complex Networks
Complex Management Systems

-   Emergence
-   Self-organization
-   Nonlinear dynamic
-   Complexity

Theories, Methods and Techniques including, but not limited to:
-   Agent-based modeling and simulation
-   Cellular Automata
-   Systems theory
-   System Dynamics
-   Control Theory
-   Decision theory
-   Chaos Theory
-   Fractals
-   Game Theory
-   Bayesian Network
-   Graph Theory
-   Big Data
-   Data Mining
-   Fuzzy Logic
-   Evolutionary Computation
-   Machine Learning
-   Robotics
-   Finite state automata
-   Cloud Computing
-   ...
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-06-16
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