Conference Information
ICRITO 2016: International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization
Submission Date:
2016-07-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Noida, India
Viewed: 11508   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
 In this globally competitive environment scientific analysis of system under study is the key issues in attaining market leadership. This competitive advantage through quality process, product and services in the market place is possible through the development of knowledge bases and easy access to structured databases on systems, processes and technology based on quantitative study. Further due to ever emerging new trends of fashion and taste as well as technology, predicting future with certainty can be the daydream. This theme is most appropriate in the current context as well as in the future. The Conference will not only take stock of trends and developments at the globally competitive environment, but will also provide future directions to young researchers and practitioners. Besides, it will help in sharing of experience and exchange of ideas, which will foster National collaboration. The Conference would be of immense benefit to Management, Researchers,   Academicians, Industry  and  participants from Technical  Institutes,

R & D Organizations and students working in the field of IT.

The topics of the Conference would include but not restricted to:

Quality and Reliability

    Quality Assurance
    Reliable and secure communications
    Software Reliability and Testing
    Infocom Systems Reliability
    Power Systems Reliability
    Reliability and Maintenance Models
    Fault Tolerance in Hardware and Software systems

Mathematical Modelling and Optimization

    Soft computing
    Financial Optimization
    Inventory Management
    Fuzzy Optimization
    Knowledge Management
    Supply chain management
    Stochastic Petrinets

Infocom Technology (IT)

    Free and Open source software
    Natural language processing
    Cloud computing
    Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
    Artificial Intelligence and Experts Systems
    Data Mining and Data warehousing
    Mobile Adhoc Networks
    Network Technologies
    Convergence Technologies
    Human-Computer Interface
    Information and Network Security
    Mobile Computing
    Software Engineering
    Advances on Computing Mechanisms
    Software and Web Engineering
    ICT Act and Cyber Laws
    Rural Applications of IT

Safety and Risk Analysis

    Risk Analysis
    Infrastructure Systems Safety and Risk
    Probabilistic Fracture Mechanism and Fatigue Analysis
    Probabilistic Safety Assessment

Conference will be having keynote speeches, invited talks and papers from academicians, researchers, and industrialists from India and abroad.

Papers will be presented in the parallel tracks sessions.

Authors interested in presenting research papers of theoretical/applied nature or case studies are invited to submit their full-length paper latest by July 1, 2016. The paper should include keywords/phrases, full address and e-mail id of corresponding author.


Authors should prepare a Word File (.doc/.docx) version of their full paper. Papers must be according to   IEEE format.

Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings provided at least one of the authors register and undertake to present the paper. Conference Kit will be provided only to the registered authors.

All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by EI.


Papers that are accepted must be presented at the conference, either by the authors themselves, or via proxy. In case a paper is not presented at the conference, it shall be deemed a no-show.

No-shows will be removed from post-conference distribution and will not be available on IEEE Xplore or other public-access IEEE forums.
Last updated by Xin Yao in 2016-07-12
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