Conference Information
ICAIS 2021: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security
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Dublin, Ireland
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Call For Papers
The 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS 2021), will be held in Dublin, Ireland, in July 2021. Over the past six years, ICAIS has become a leading conference on artificial intelligence and security, garnering comprehensive coverage in July 2019 by Reuters and in June 2018 by CCTV 4 China News. ICAIS is a highly selective and premier international forum on computer science and engineering research. In addition to the main sessions, the conference will include workshops, panels, demonstrations, and exhibits. The organizing committee is excited to invite you to take part in ICAIS 2021, to discuss issues at the technological frontier of society today as well as interdisciplinary technological trends.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Data Mining
Artificial Neural Networks
Affective Computing
Multiagent Systems
Knowledge Representation
Robotics and Reception
Big Data Applications
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Science, Engineering, Healthcare and Medicine
2. Big Data
Techniques, Models and Algorithms for Big Data
Tools and Systems for Big Data
Big Data Analytics and Social Media
Hardware/Software Infrastructure for Big Data
Mobile Communications and Networks
Security and Privacy for Big Data
Copyright Protection for Big Data
Data Compression
Machine Learning and AI for Big Data
Big Data Persistence and Preservation
Big Data Quality and Provenance Control
Big Data Storage and Retrieval
3. Cloud Computing and Security
Cloud Computing Architecture and Systems
Cloud Computing Models, Simulations, Designs, and Paradigms
Cloud Management and Operations
Dynamic Resource Provision and Consuming
Cloud Computing Technologies, Services and Applications
Security Evaluation and Benchmarks Based on Cloud
Authentication, Authorization and Reliability Issues in Cloud
Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing
4. Information Hiding
Coverless Information Hiding
Steganography and Steganalysis
Digital Watermarking, Fingerprinting and Forensics
Multimedia Authentication and Encryption
Covert/Subliminal Channels
5. IoT Security
Data Security and Privacy in the IoT
Attacks and Countermeasures on IoT Systems
Trust Model, Data Aggregation and Information Sharing
Secure Hardware and Software for IoT
Application Security for IoT
6. Multimedia Forensics
Active and Passive Forensics
Big Data Forensics
Portable electronic device forensics
Network Forensics
7. Encryption and Cybersecurity
Measurements for Cybersecurity
Post Quantum Cybersecurity
Visualization for Security
Applied Cryptography
Language-based Security
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-08-25
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