Conference Information
ENERGY 2022: International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
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Venice, Italy
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Call For Papers
There is a perceived need for a fundamental transformation in IP communications, energy-aware technologies and the way all energy sources are integrated. This is accelerated by the complexity of smart devices, the need for special interfaces for an easy and remote access, and the new achievements in energy production. Smart Grid technologies promote ways to enhance efficiency and reliability of the electric grid, while addressing increasing demand and incorporating more renewable and distributed electricity generation. The adoption of data centers, penetration of new energy resources, large dissemination of smart sensing and control devices, including smart home, and new vehicular energy approaches demand a new position for distributed communications, energy storage, and integration of varii sources of energy.

ENERGY 2022 continues the event considering Green approaches for Smart Grids and IT-aware technologies. It addresses fundamentals, technologies, hardware and software needed support, and applications and challenges.

We solicit both academic, research, and industrial contributions. We welcome technical papers presenting research and practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, such as those being discussed in the standard fora or in industry consortia, survey papers addressing the key problems and solutions on any of the above topics short papers on work in progress, and panel proposals.

Industrial presentations are not subject to the format and content constraints of regular submissions. We expect short and long presentations that express industrial position and status.

Tutorials on specific related topics and panels on challenging areas are encouraged.

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All topics and submission formats are open to both research and industry contributions.

ENERGY 2022 conference tracks:

Trends in energy fields

Redundancy of conventional energy measurements; Visualization for time power varying data; Power transient stability margins; Disturbance propagation in power systems; Short-term electrical load prediction; Monitoring residential settings; Solar and wind data analytics; Smart batteries; Controlled charging for e-mobility; Home energy predictions; Vehicle-to-grid scheduling; Electricity pricing models; Energy cluster formation; Green building energy analytics; Active power management; Pervasive energy services; Consumer behavior models; Energy saving; Appliance monitoring; User’s cognitive load; Energy consumption models for wearable/implantable devices; Microgrid and smartgrid management; Pricing for energy shared storage; Energy-efficient datacenters; Sustainable data centers; Emerging power markets; Energy-aware cooling and heating models; Flexible loads with dependencies; Electricity accessibility; Energy-efficient transportation; Solar-powered vehicles/drones; Plug-in hybrid vehicles; Shared energy models; Rechargeable energy-storage devices; Residential and industrial electrical loads

Fundamentals in Smart Grids

Architectures for Smart Grids; Smart Grids Modeling; Middleware for Smart Grids; Energy-efficient communication for Smart Grid infrastructures; Smart Grid Specific Protocols (DNP3, ICCP); Scalable infrastructures for Smart Grids; Service-oriented architectures for Smart Grids; Standards for Smart Grids; Implementation and projects on Smart Grids; Innovations on Smart Grids

Green communications

Energy-efficient communication protocols and power management; Green communications (energy efficient modulation, coding, resource allocation); Optimization of energy-efficient protocols/algorithms; Cross-layer optimization techniques for efficient energy consumption; Energy-efficient scheduling algorithms; Voltage and frequency scaled networks protocols; Energy-efficient transmission technologies; Energy-efficient protocols/algorithms in physical and IP layers; Energy-efficient radio resource management and routing; Hardware energy-efficiency systems; Virtualization techniques for energy efficiency; Simulation/modeling tools for energy efficient solutions;

Green computation

Energy-efficient service provisioning; Energy-efficient networking; Technology as Green Enablers (Grid, Cloud, Data Centers, Virtualization); Energy-efficient methodologies for infrastructure; Cooling/heating efficient energy; Power distribution; Green service life cycle;

Energy efficiency planning

Green performance metrics; Energy and performance profiling; Energy consumption and energy efficiency analysis; Energy demand prediction for appliances in industrial and home environments; Green certificates; Green maturity models

Energy-aware vehicular technologies

Alternative vehicular energy; Hybrid car energy and new battery technologies; Smart charging infrastructure; New forms of energy storage; Integration of electric vehicles and battery technology; Monitoring and sense-and-control of charging; Energy-aware vehicular sensor networks; Pricing models for charging stations, roaming across territories; Systems and computing for electric vehicle; Car energy optimization; Pricing models for charging stations

Smart Grids technologies

Sensors for Smart Grids; Wireless communications and networks for the Smart Grid last mile; Transport layer mechanisms for Smart Grids; IP interoperability in the Smart Grid; Multicast and secure multicast for the Smart Grids; Intelligent electronic devices (IED) for Smart Grids; Precision time synchronization protocols for the Smart Grids

Smart Grids Transmission Infrastructure

High Voltage DC (HVDC); Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS); Automatic Correction Substations; Phasor Measurement Units (PMU); Optical Sensors (OS)

Smart Grids management and control

AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure); QoS, latency and reliability in Smart Grids; Security (including wireless, wire-line, broadband over power lines) in Smart Grids; Data aggregation, privacy considerations, and network data anonymization; Mobility issues in Smart Grids; Demand - response with dynamic pricing on a real-time in Smart Grids; Intelligent status monitoring in Smart Grids; Fault tolerance and disaster recovery in Smart Grids; Load balancing in Smart Grids; Dynamic discovery in Smart Grids

Software for Smart Grids

Management software for Smart Grids; End-User software application for Smart-grids; Firmware for Smart devices; Smart Grid modeling applications;

Smart Grids applications

Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Energy Management Systems (EMS); Demand Response Control; Meter Data Management System (MDMS); Home Area Networking (HAN) technologies with smart meters; Wind energy integration in Smart Grids; Disseminating power grid status information in Smart Grids; Solar, wind and energy storage integration in Smart Grids; Business issues for Smart Grids; Resilient operations against physical and cyber attacks, and natural disasters; Power quality operations in a digital economy; Anticipation and responses to system disturbances in a self-healing manner applications

Smart Grids and social infrastructure challenges

Utilities and transportation assets; Smart Grid efficiency, security and reliability; Smart Grids and renewable technologies; Enabling active participation by consumers; Accommodate all generation and storage options; Enable new products, services, and markets; Optimize asset utilization and operating efficiency; Legislation on Smart Grid

Advanced IT energy-aware technologies

Communications, sensors, wireless, mobility; Integration of consumer with utility's infrastructure; Automation, including billing and monitoring (smart meter integration); User interfaces (e.g., personal mobile devices); Appliance integration of smart appliances (communications interfaces, data formats); Integration of customer perception and response; Integration of solar technologies; Integration of wind mill technologies; Energy storage integration - battery, hydro, mechanical; Renewable energy - energy source integration models; Sensors use for energy management

Challenges in Smart Grids and IT-energy aware technologies

Scaling up; Cyber-infrastructure and cyber-security - technologies, models; Open-systems wireless and communications interface software; Security of information technology; Governments and corporation visions; Social perception and support; Standardizing approach
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-02-01
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