Conference Information
MSC 2020: International Workshop on Memory and Storage Computing
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Virtual Conference
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Call For Papers
International Workshop on Memory and Storage Computing (MSC), Sept. 25, 2020
Co-located workshop with ESWEEK 2020 (Virtual Conference)

Aims and Scope:

Memory and storage technologies have been widely developed during the last decades. However, the data transfer cost between CPU and storage or memory becomes the critical challenge for the advanced systems. Storage and memory computing provides a new opportunity to solve this issue by adding computing function beside storage or memory. In this workshop, we are not only interested in the advanced storage and memory computing technologies, but also take a special attention to the advanced storage and memory technologies. The workshop to will bring together scientists and engineers from industry and academia who are working on storage and memory computing architectures and systems.
Topics: Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
−      Storage Computing Architecture
−      Memory Computing Architecture
−      Systems for Memory and Computing
−      Systems for Storage and Computing
−      State-of-the-art storage technologies
−      State-of-the-art memory technologies
−      FPGA enabled in storage computing
Submission Guidelines:

All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format. The submitted manuscripts must describe original work not previously published and not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Submissions must be no more than 6 pages in the IEEE conference proceedings format (two-column, single-space). Each paper is peer-reviewed by the program committee members, and the authors are notified of either "accepted for a presentation", or "rejected". A presentation will be given a 30-mins slot (including Q&As). The authors should submit their papers through the submission web page at:

Selected papers, after further revisions, will be considered for publication in special issues of selected journals. Possible journals include Microprocessors and Microsystems (CCF-C and SCI Index).

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 15th July 2020, UTC+9
Acceptance Notification: 20th Aug 2020
Final Paper Submission: 15th Sept 2020
Last updated by Zhou Bo in 2020-05-23
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