ICT'' 2024: International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings
2024-05-24 Extended
Budapest, Hungary
浏览: 7621   关注: 1   参加: 1

The Network period in the evolution of computer technology is very much based on the convergence and integration of three main technologies; computer technology, tele technology and media technology. Telecommunication technology is playing a more and more dominant role in this convergence, especially internet and web technology. Embedded (ubiquitous) computer technology is making the process invisible, and media technologies converge within itself (multimedia and cross media). The convergence process is enforced all the time by smaller, cheaper, and more powerful components.

ICT and its applications are interacting with environments, roles, and processes which can also be modelled by converging circles. The process of social and psychosocial change and ICT from a global perspective is described graphically in the convergence model in figure 1 (Bradley 2006 Routledge) with concepts and their interrelations. Both “convergence” and “interactions” are important features in the model. Read from the left hand side in the model for the titles of some main tracks of the conference:

    Globalisation and ICT:. When technology, economy, norms/values and labour market are converging on a global level, what are the hard questions? When the geographical space in the future will be both global and beyond – including virtual reality (VR) what is the state of art in research? (see the list of key words under ´globalisation´)
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT), next cluster of circles to the left in the figure, what applications contribute to desirable goals in the society?
    When Work Environment, Home Environment, and Public Environment are converging and the work and public issues tend to merge into the private sphere of our homes – what main changes in peoples Life Environment occur?.
    If the Professional Role (Work Life), Private Role (Private Life) and Citizen’s Role (Public Life) converge forming a Life Role, what are the main social-psychologial changes?
    Four circles representing Virtual Reality (VR) are marked with dotted lines and are surrounding the set of converging circles. These circles reflect our participation in cyberspace on various levels. To the left part in figure we could talk about Virtual Worlds on the global level. Within the concept of ICT, the steps taken by applied Embedded and ubiquitous technology make technology more hidden to the individual and society as a whole.
    Virtual Environments are already a common concept. Finally we could talk about Virtual Human Roles, which could in more extreme forms be another personality that you play e g avatars.The converging circles are forming a Life Role and new life styles are being shaped.
    Effects on humans become more multi faceted and complex. Research focusing upon the individual is crucial i. e. research on how the use of ICT interacts with and impacts identity, social competence, creativity, integrity, trust, dependency etc. A compass rose (card) for “Effects on Humans” (to the right) is used as a metaphor reminding us of the importance to keep the direction towards desirable human and societal goals and qualities at the development and use of ICT.

ICT can provide tools for promoting sustainability (environmental, economic, and social sustainability) but can also be a threat for sustainability. Sustainability as a guiding principle involves system perspective, holism, human aspects, bottom up approach, common good, and equality. A change in focus regarding research and development is taking place. Analysis and design increasingly address both the work process and management connected to the sphere of production life and people’s life environment. Analysis and design of ICT and societal systems both at local level and globally become important. What research in the field exists or is needed?

Community research in a broad sense comes to the fore – both physical and virtual communities. There is also a requirement to involve new and additional actors at the deeper and broader integration of ICT in the society (children, elderly, and consumer organisations). Educational programs on Community Informatics and Social Informatics are appearing in many academic institutions. Can a new infrastructure of the society be identified?

The effects of ICT on human beings as well as the interaction between ICT, individuals, and society are all within the focus of this conference. Both analyses of interactions and effects are important. Changes in behaviour, perspectives, values, competencies, human and psychological aspects and feelings are all of interest. Reflections on past, present, and future challenges – especially planning for handling the latter – are encouraged.

Today, computer science and ICT-related disciplines are working more and more together with various behavioural and social sciences including child psychology and developmental psychology. For this reason, the conference pays attention to societal changes, global and more local organisational and institutional changes, changes in values and in lifestyles, as well as individual cognitive effects and changes, motivational and emotional changes. It also appeals to solution-building in terms of desirable goals and actions for reaching a Good Information Society.

In general all types of research strategies are encouraged, and especially cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary studies. Case studies, broader empirical field studies, theoretical analyses, cross-cultural studies, scenarios, ethnographic studies, epistemological analyses may all be presented.

Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to:

Globalization and ICT
– Globalization processes
– Glocalization processes
– Values, norms
– Labour market (outsourcing, integration, mobility)
– Universal access
– Virtual worlds
– Global villages
– Rethinking economic and social theories
– Human capital theory
– Sustainability, Democracy
– Global catastrophes
– Vulnerability
– Peace and war

Life environment and ICT
– Psychosocial environment
– Work environment/Work place
– Quality of Working Life
– Work content – Work tasks
– Organizational structure
– Decision support systems
– Human-human communication
– Power structure-formal and informal
– Leadership
– Career patterns
– Influence/participation
– Working hours and salary/compensation
– Work pace/work load
– Physical and ergonomic conditions
– Changes in the concept of time
– Changes in the way we are (‘being’)
– Learning and knowledge growth
– Home Environment
– Public Environment
– Private Environment
– Virtual Environment
– Virtual (on-line) communities
– Organisational Design and Management

Life role and ICT
– Citizen’s role
– Professional role
– Leadership role
– Private role
– Virtual roles
– Home of the future
– Mobile life
– Role conflicts

ICT and effects on humans
– Analyses of impact as well as technology contributing to desirable human qualities
– Psychosocial impact
– Life styles
– Human needs (meaningfulness, belonging, autonomy, influence)
– Happiness and fun
– Wellbeing and health
– Dependency
– Identity
– Integrity
– Trust – security – privacy
– Addictiveness (games)
– Availability
– Motivation
– Human memory
– Cyber sickness
– Stress (over- and understimulation)
– Workload
– Fatigue
– Love and relationships
– Skills and competencies
– Creativity
– Problem solving
– Social competenceICT and effects on humans
– Analyses of impact as well as technology contributing to desirable human qualities
– Psychosocial impact
– Life styles
– Human needs (meaningfulness, belonging, autonomy, influence)
– Happiness and fun
– Wellbeing and health
– Dependency
– Identity
– Integrity
– Trust – security – privacy
– Addictiveness (games)
– Availability
– Motivation
– Human memory
– Cyber sickness
– Stress (over- and understimulation)
– Workload
– Fatigue
– Love and relationships
– Skills and competencies
– Creativity
– Problem solving
– Social competence

Perspectives on ICT
– Social and psychosocial
– Cross-cultural
– Theoretical
– Gender
– Class
– Rural – urban
– Multimodal
– Economic
– Ethical

Desirable goals and ICT
– Integration
– Humanization
– Reducing poverty
– Bridging the digital gap
– Freedom of expression
– Democratization
– E-cooperation
– E-democracy
– Peace
– Sustainability
– Accountability, responsibility
– Involvement, empowerment
– Wellbeing Health
– Human welfare
– Quality of life
– Human Rights

Actions for reaching the Good Information Society
– Individual level
– Community (physical and virtual) level
– Governmental level
– International level
– Civil society and social change in communities
– Design of societal systems – rethinking
最后更新 Natalia Teixeira 在 2024-04-30