Información de la conferencia
ICHSA 2019: International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications
Día de Entrega:
2019-05-16 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Kunming, China
Vistas: 10589   Seguidores: 3   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
Harmony Search and Its Variants
Modified and Improved Version
Self-adaptive and Parameter-setting-free
Hybrid Harmony Search
Parallel HS
State-of-the-art Review of HSs
Other Soft Computing Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms
Differential Evolution
Swarm Intelligence (ACO, PSO, etc.)
Trajectory-based (SA, TS, etc.)
Water Cycle Algorithm
Other Nature-Inspired Algorithms
Machine Learning and Neural Networks
Artificial Neural Networks
Deep Learning Algorithms
NN Combined with Other Algorithms
Other ML techniques
Studies on Performance Comparison
Convergence Characteristics
Exploration and Exploitation
Performance Measures
Recent Emerging Techniques in Soft Computing
Coarse-grained Algorithm and Parallel Version
Many-objective Visualization
Multi-objective and Many-objective Optimization
Pareto Front Approximation
Self-adaptive and Parameter-setting-free
Applications in?
Big-data Analysis and Data Mining
Civil Infrastructure (Water, Power, Transportation, etc.)
Control Systems
Renewable Energy
Robotics, Sensors and Systems
Signal Processing
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2019-03-28
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Revistas Relacionadas
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Journal of Sensors1.400Hindawi1687-725X
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering0.800Hindawi1687-5591
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools1.000World Scientific0218-2130
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and SystemsIntelligent Networks and Systems Society2185-310X
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Journal on Data SemanticsSpringer1861-2032
cJournal of Cybersecurity2.900Oxford University Press2057-2093
Computers & Operations Research4.100Elsevier0305-0548
Smart ScienceTaylor & Francis2308-0477
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Journal of Cybersecurity2.900Oxford University Press
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