Información de la conferencia
ICIC'' 2018: International Conference on Intelligent Computing
Día de Entrega:
2018-09-22 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Bengaluru, India
Vistas: 7861   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
ICIC 2018 invite original research high quality research papers from prospective authors that represent the state-of-the-art, emerging trends and technology in Intelligent Computing Systems. All the submitted papers shall be unique and novel; previously unpublished or currently not under review for publications in any other journals or conferences. The research papers shall be submitted in any one of the editions that are not limited to the following schematic themes:


Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems 	

Machine Learning for Physical Control
Machine Learning for Computer Vision and Speech
Natural Language Learning and Processing
Intelligent Linear and Non-linear systems
Generative Adversarial Networks
Machine Learning in games
Computational Intelligence based game design
Multi-agent and Multi-strategy learning
Support Vector Machines
Deep Learning and Comments Analysis
Sentiment Analysis

Advances in Intelligent Sensor, Controls and Communications 	

Self-diagnostics, Self-calibration, Self-adaptation and Data Acquisition systems
Switches, Actuator-specific intelligent devices
Temperature, Thermal, Capacitive, Stress Intelligent sensors
Smart Electro-optical, Smart Capacitive sensors
Sensor Networks Software and Architectures
Localization and Object Tracking through Intelligent sensors
Wearable Sensors and Ambient Intelligence
Future Internet and Autonomous Networking in Ambient Intelligence
Delay Tolerant and Named Data Networks
Network Virtualization
Software Defined Networks

Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Systems 	

Mechanism Design and Modelling for Big Data Analytics
Collective Intelligence in Social Systems
Enhanced Decision-making through the Big Data Analytics in Turbulent Environments
Smart Modeling and Simulation for Complex Systems
Intelligent Data Analysis
Data Pre-processing and Processing techniques
Data Classifiers
Business Analytics Intelligence
Deep Learning and Knowledge discovery
Multi-agent technology and their applications
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Evolving Intelligent Systems

Internet of Things in Intelligent Systems 	

Intelligent Network Technologies for IoT
IoT on eHealth and Ambient Assisted Living
Internet of Vehicles
Network Performance Metrics for the IoT
IoT for Connected Smart Objects
Smart Modeling and Simulation for Complex Systems
Massive IoT Data Set
Smart Cities, Smart Communities, and Smart grid systems
IoT based Home, Office and Industry Automations
Connected Logistics
Block Chain and the IoT
Ubiquitous Sensor Networks
Aggregate Computing
IoT Intelligence in Edge Computing

Security in Intelligent Systems 	

Intelligent Motion detection
Intelligent Security Framework and Protocol for the IoT
Intelligent Privacy Protection for the IoT
Network Neutrality measurements
Cyber Defense Intelligent systems
Embedded Intelligent Security systems
Intelligent systems for Security Informatics
Cyber Physical Systems
Intelligent Security in Fog Computing

Saliency Systems 	

Multimedia Saliency systems
Cognitive Inspired Saliency
Deep Learning Saliency Models
Visual Saliency Software Tool kits
Saliency Detection Systems
Deep Image Saliency Computing
Computational Visual Attention


Humanoid Intelligent Robots
Assistive Intelligent Robots
Autonomous Robots
Robot Localization
Intelligent Decision Making Systems
Cooperating Robotics for Manufacturing and Assembly
Identification of Dynamic System models
Biomimetic Modeling, Dynamics and Control
Human-Machine Interaction
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2018-09-11
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Revistas Relacionadas
CCFNombre CompletoFactor de ImpactoEditorISSN
International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance IGI Global1947-9611
Journal of Information Technology in ConstructionHerman1400-6529
Materials DiscoveryElsevier2352-9245
Journal of Internet Technology0.900Taiwan Academic Network1607-9264
Journal of Classification1.800Springer0176-4268
cIntegration, the VLSI Journal2.200Elsevier0167-9260
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing1.800Springer0278-081X
cInformation Retrieval1.700Springer1386-4564
Scientific and Technical Information Processing0.400Springer0147-6882