Conference Information
PSC 2018: Photonics in Switching and Computing
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Limassol, Cyprus
Viewed: 9398   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Optical Switching Technology & Devices

    Optical reconfiguration techniques and technologies for computing systems
    Optoelectronic and all-optical switching and flip-flops
    Photonic memory and optical buffers
    On-chip integration of photonic switching and control and logic electronics
    Fast MEMS switches
    Silicon photonic switching technologies using monolithic and heterogeneous integration
    Tunable laser technologies
    Tunable receiver technologies
    Tunable filter technologies
    Nanophotonic metamaterials and devices for switching and routing
    All-optical, electronic, and hybrid-optoelectronic technologies

Optical Switching Functions & Building Blocks

    Optoelectronic, all-optical, or hybrid wavelength conversion technologies
    Optoelectronic and all-optical signal processing, including header recognition, label swapping, code translation and processing
    Optical grooming and aggregation techniques
    Photonic memory and optical buffering functionality
    Optoelectronic- and all-optical signal regeneration, impairment compensation, and performance monitoring
    Optical receiver pre-processing and signal conditioning
    Optical pre-compensation and pre-distortion
    Advanced modulation techniques and coding/decoding subsystems
    RF over optical processing and transmission
    Microwave photonics
    Comparison of all-optical, electronic, and hybrid-optoelectronic functionality
    Burst switching compatible transceiver technology

Optical Networks & Communication Systems

    Reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers/demultiplexers
    Photonic packet switching and routers
    Photonic burst switching routers
    Photonic circuit switching
    Optical cross-connects
    Optical time domain multiplexed systems
    Optical multiple access systems (WDMA, TDMA, and CDMA)
    Parallel data links and space division multiplexing
    Optical access systems
    Rapidly reconfigurable networks
    Software defined optical networks and OpenFlow
    Optical network control and management
    Wavelength routing and assignment
    Physical layer design and control
    Next-generation GMPLS, ASON, Photonic MPLS, OpenFlow
    Software defined networking for photonic systems
    Optoelectronic label switching networks
    IP-over-optical architectures
    Energy efficient architectures and algorithms
    Cross-layer architectures and algorithms
    Application-aware and service-oriented architectures
    Converged mobile and optical networks
    Optical network testbeds and field trials
    Optical access and aggregation networks

Photonics in Computing Systems

    Optics in Data Centers and HPC systems
    Photonic Switching for DC and HPC
        Networks, topologies, architectures, control and DC integration
    Phy layer trends in DC and HPC
        Beyond electronic switch roadmap
        Optics integration, optical interconnects
        On chip optics/networks
        Optics to memory
        Inter-DC networks (phy aspects)
    Network needs for emerging workloads
        Machine Learning and Distributed Deep Learning
        Streaming, big data
        Specialized networks in systems/appliances for specific workloads
    Photonics in Emerging Computing paradigms
        Optical ML, Optical DNN (e.g. reservoir computing)
        Signal processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-12-16
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