Conference Information
ICAC 2019: International Conference on Autonomic Computing
Submission Date:
2019-02-22 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Umea, Sweden
CORE: b   QUALIS: a2   Viewed: 24170   Tracked: 7   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The 16th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC) is held in Umeå, Sweden on June 16 – 20, 2019. It is co-located and has some shared activities with The 13th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2019) and The 15th Cloud Control Workshop.

ICAC is the leading conference on autonomic computing techniques, foundations, and applications. Large-scale systems of all types, such as data centers, computer clouds, smart cities, cyber-physical systems, sensor networks, and embedded or pervasive environments, are becoming increasingly complex and burdensome for people to manage. Autonomic computing systems reduce this burden by managing their own behavior in accordance with high-level goals. In autonomic systems, resources and applications are managed to maximize performance and minimize cost, while maintaining predictable and reliable behavior in the face of varying workloads, failures, and malicious threats. Achieving self-management requires and motivates research that spans a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines, including distributed systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, modeling, control theory, optimization, planning, decision theory, user interface design, data management, software engineering, emergent behavior analysis, and bio-inspired computing. ICAC brings together researchers and practitioners from disparate disciplines, application domains and perspectives, enabling them to discover and share underlying commonalities in their approaches to making resources, applications and systems more autonomic.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-02-05
Acceptance Ratio
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