Información de la conferencia
ECISM 2018: European Conference on Information Systems Management
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Helsinki, Finland
Vistas: 9444   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
The European Conference on Information Systems Management (ECISM) (formally known as the European Conference on Information Systems Management and Evaluation (ECIME)) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to come together to develop their understanding of both theory and practice in all aspects of ICT/IS management. The broad scope of the conference reflects the increased use of technology to manage information in and between organisations as well as across cities, countries and continents. ECISM 2017 will provide opportunities for people working and researching in the field to come together to share their knowledge and expertise.

Case studies and work-in-progress/posters are also welcomed approaches. PhD Research, proposals for roundtable discussions, non-academic contributions and product demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited.

Please see the ECISM Call for Papers, important dates below.

Key Topics

    Managing Social Software Applications in the Organisation
    The Cloud
    Green ICT
    Security including protection against Hackers and Malware
    ICT and Privacy
    Participating in the Networked Society
    The digital divide
    Managing Big data
    ICT cost and benefits evaluation
    Enterprise systems
    IS/IT project management
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2017-10-29
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Revistas Relacionadas
CCFNombre CompletoFactor de ImpactoEditorISSN
The Scientific World JournalHindawi1537-744X
Ecological Informatics5.800Elsevier1574-9541
Interactive Learning Environments3.700Taylor & Francis1049-4820
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization3.600Springer1615-147X
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering IGI Global1554-1045
International Journal of Computer Science Applications & Information Technologies AR Publication2347-453X
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networking AR Publication2347-9078