Journal Information
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Call For Papers

Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050) is an international and cross-disciplinary, scholarly, open access journal of technical, environmental, cultural, economic and social sustainability of human beings, which provides an advanced forum for studies related to sustainability and sustainable development. As a peer-reviewed and semimonthly journal, Sustainability publishes reviews, regular research papers, communications, and short notes, with no restriction on the maximum length of the papers.

Our aim is to encourage researchers to publish their experimental, computational, and theoretical research relating to natural and applied sciences, engineering, economics, social sciences, and humanities in detail to promote scientific and other understanding and to permit predictions and impact assessments of global change and development related to sustainability. Knowing the importance of sustainability and achieving sustainable development for humanity, Sustainability strives to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by United Nations. As a transdisciplinary journal, Sustainability encourages researchers to provide full experimental and methodological details so that results can be reproduced and assessed. The journal supports open access and open science.

In addition, Sustainability has several unique features:

    Manuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas are welcome;
    Electronic files or software with full details of the calculations and experimental procedures, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary material;
    Manuscripts communicating to a broader audience with regard to research projects financed with public funds will be considered.

Subject Areas

Challenges relating to sustainability

    Air pollution and climate change
    Water pollution and sanitation
    Misuse of land
    Desertification and drought
    Industrial development and energy crisis
    Toxic chemicals and hazardous and radioactive wastes
    Population explosion and urbanization
    Unsustainable patterns of production and consumption
    Abandonment or loss of tradition, racial and national identity, culture, ethical standards, family solidarity, particularly during immigration or large scale foreign cultural influence, and its impact on cultural or social sustainability
    Impact of globalization on local, national and regional sustainability and stability
    Degradation of ecosystems and species, and concomitant risks to human well-being

Socio-economic, scientific and integrated approaches to sustainable development

    Development and realization of national policies and international treaties for sustainable development
    Implementation and monitoring of policies for sustainable development
    Changing consumption and production patterns
    Developments in cultural diversity, tradition, social systems, globalization, immigration and settlement, and their impact on cultural or social sustainability
    Ethical and philosophical aspects of sustainable development
    Education and awareness of sustainability
    Impact of safety, security and disaster management on sustainability
    Health-related aspects of sustainability
    System analysis methods, including life cycle assessment and management
    Sustainable chemistry
    Sustainable utilization of resources such as land, water, atmosphere and other biological resources
    New and renewable sources of energy
    Sustainable energy preservation and regeneration methods
    Land and aquatic ecosystems maintenance and biodiversity preservation
    Quasi-environmental sustainability – short term measures and their long term effects
    Effects of global climate change on development and sustainability

Other topics related to sustainability

    Defining and quantifying sustainability
    Measuring and monitoring sustainability
    Sustainability tools
    Applications of sustainability
    Policies and laws relating to sustainability
    Sustainability science

For more information on "Aims and Scope", please refer to
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-11
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