IMST 2017: International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology
2017-09-07 Extended
Kunming, China
閲覧: 9172   追跡: 0   出席: 0

Materials Science and Engineering

Ceramic, Films and Glasses
Chemical Material
Composites Materials
Energy Materials
Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials
Iron and Steel
Liquid Crystals and Crystalline Materials
Macromolecular Material
Magnetic Materials
Metallic and Oxide Superlattices
Metallic Materials
Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites
New Functional Materials
Nuclear Fuel Materials
Optical, Electronic, Magnetic Materials
Organic and Inorganic Materials
Porous and Catalytic Materials
Semiconductors and Functional Materials
Semiconductors and Superconductors
Sensors and Surfaces
Smart Materials
Spintronics Materials
Structured Materials

Innovations on Material Science and Technology

Discovery or Development of New Materials
Giga- (Meta-) Technologies
Innovations in Materials that Drive Biological Applications
Novel ion Exchange Materials
Methodology of Material Research, Analysis and Modeling
Computer Assistance in the Engineering Tasks and Scientific Research
Rapid Prototyping
Materials and Engineering Databases
Computational Material Science

Materials Properties and Material Processing

Materials Identification and Characterization
Structural Analysis
Polymer Failure Analysis
Materials Performance
Chemical Testing and Analysis
Physical Properties Testing
Electronic Materials and Gases Analysis
Materials Treatment
Ductility and Crack Resistance
Fracture Mechanics
Mechanical Properties, Electrical Properties, and Magnetic Properties
Corrosion, Erosion and Wear Resistance
Powder Metallurgy and Heat Treatment
Surface Treatment
Welding, Casting and Sintering
Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications
Polymer Materials Processing
Metallurgy Technology and Application
Surface Engineering/Coatings
Materials Forming
Welding & Joining
Laser Processing
Severe Plastic Deformation
Tribology in Manufacturing Processes
Casting and solidification

Emerging Areas of Materials Science

Atomic molecular and laser physics
Solid state ionics (materials and devices)
Plasma physics
Nanobiomaterials / drug delivery

Renewable Material and Energy

Fossil and Non-Fossil Energy
Nuclear Energy
Biomaterial and Genetic Material
Solar Cell Materials
Electric Power Systems and Controls
New Energy Materials and Environmental Friendly Materials
最終更新 Dou Sun 2017-07-08
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
International Journal of Control1.600Taylor & Francis0020-7179
Enterprise Information Systems4.400Taylor & Francis1751-7575
cJournal of Web EngineeringRinton Press1540-9589
Quantum Information and ComputationRinton Press, Inc.1533-7146
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications2.500Elsevier1569-4410
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce2.000Taylor & Francis1091-9392
Optimization Methods and Software1.400Taylor & Francis1055-6788
Electronic Commerce Research3.700Springer1389-5753
aIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering6.500IEEE0098-5589
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
International Journal of Control1.600Taylor & Francis
Enterprise Information Systems4.400Taylor & Francis
Journal of Web EngineeringRinton Press
Quantum Information and ComputationRinton Press, Inc.
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications2.500Elsevier
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce2.000Taylor & Francis
Optimization Methods and Software1.400Taylor & Francis
Electronic Commerce Research3.700Springer
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering6.500IEEE